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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 5 minutes ago, chainsaw said:

    A few livestreams I've seen are kind of surprised at how many people didn't comply with mandatory evacuation notices. I wonder what the Venn diagram looks like between those people and covid deniers....hm.....

    Floridians aren't known for their decision making prowess lol

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Fico said:

    While possible, and I understand you are just giving examples, it's very unlikely we would go from insisting Ukraine to not use our weapons to hit Russian territory to blowing up pipelines in the Baltic. 

    100% agree, I don't think the US did this. Just thought it was an interesting historical parallel I came across reading last night. OTOH @Zeusand @maninblackare big proponents of the Kremlin/karlson theory of the US bearing responsibility 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 7 hours ago, dimyh said:

    So I'm still intrigued about the pipeline sabotage. Here is a clip that goes into some more detail, including some reasons for Russia to scuttle their own stuff.

    1. Avoid contract penalties due to a force majeur reasoning. Not sure how much they would save if that stood up in court. Not sure what else we could do even if we were able to positively identify RF/Gazprom as the saboteurs. We're running out of sanctions that we can throw at these assholes.
    2. Lifting technology sanctions so that RF/Gazprom could make the repairs. Which sounds absolutely fucking bonkers that anyone from the West would trust them with any repairs. Not sure how it works with a multi-national like this one but I'm guessing someone is telling Russia to back the fuck off, we got this.
    3. Possibly just to cause general instability or incite concern about the gas supply for the winter. Which is also ridiculous...nothing screams more little dick energy then threatening to take away the one thing everyone likes about you. Not because you have direct control of it but because of some "accident". It actually would make Putin look very weak.
    4. Or just your basic run-of-the-mill false flag operation. Where you are trying to point the finger at Ukraine, USA, or whatever western culprit you can imagine, in a supposed attempt to shut down any possibility of rapprochement.


    In any event all of those possible reasons sounds bat shit crazy if true. Not sure if Putin is showing his Chekist background and going to the only playbook he has left since his nuke brinkmanship button is worn out and broken at this point. If he is behind this then he is truly grasping at straws to figure out any type of angle he can gain.

    Curious to see ultimately what the investigators find out. They mentioned that the explosion could have been outside or possibly generated inside the pipe. Either way it sounds like a significant operation to pull off and something straight from a Bond movie or a Clancy novel.


    I doubt that we would make an overt strike against civilian infrastructure like that, but it's not without precedent for the CIA to inject malware and viruses that eventually cause the pipeline to degrade and rupture


    Reagan's CIA in '82 pulled it off, and we did a similar thing with Stuxnet to Iran, but IMO it's an outside shot that the US is responsible considering it hurts our allies more than it hurts Russia 

  4. CNN obtained some footage from documentary makers of stone straight up laying out the jan6 playbook, and cheerfully talking about how they can use their judges in the courts to get favorable judgements to keep pushing their narrative. 

    Also was a bucket of cold water to see Kyle fucking rittenhouse merch on the MAGA fascists talking with stone. Fuck me we have a fascist problem that our courts will never get around to dealing with

    Edit: whoops thought this was the Jan6 thread 

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  5. 20 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Current reports indicate "confusion" about her appearance date, so it may not be as big a deal as it first seemed.


    What on god's green earth leads you to believe that this is an honest mistake and not just another delaying tactic from trumpco? We should be sentencing powell to the worst fate known to americans: to be tried as a black adult



    • Haha 5
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  6. Man, that trial is a shitshow. Also lol the sidebar has a hot mic and we can hear everything they're saying to the judge - pretty nuts


    EDIT: lulz Jones is using the "DT shithead" method of controlling his testimony. The judge set a rule that nothing could be political, and so of course jones and his counsel object to every question on the grounds that "it's political!!!" and then cry to the judge about it. Nevermind that everything jones does is political - the entire basis for the defamation is fucking political!

    I wonder if there's any relation between Judge Bellis and blacklab?

    • Haha 3
  7. 11 minutes ago, DaysOff said:

    26 years of airline flying and I've never seen mid-september airport crowds like this. It looks like Thanksgiving week out there. I don't know if it's covid revenge travel, but don't you people have school and jobs? If there is a recession and inflation happening nobody told the American traveler.

    I think much of what you're seeing is increased pressure because there's fewer flights and more anxiety about flying in general right now. So folks show up 3 hours early instead of 2, and all of a sudden your airport is jam packed with fewer travelers moving through overall

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

    I'm not a lawyer, but it sounds as though this panel delivered a pretty firm bitchslap to Trump. 

    I won't breathe easy until the supreme court denies cert or we are otherwise past shadow docket fuckery. But good outcome for trumpco, they successfully abused the court system to advance their fiction for them. It should never had needed to get to this point. 

    I'll happily eat all the crow I can when trump is charged and there's an actual fucking criminal trial with evidence, but I honestly doubt that will ever happen because he's so good at delaying tactics and our legal community can't see the forest for the trees

    • Hook 'Em 3
  9. 2 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    The only really decent analogy is if an attorney and client communicated by writing on some of those stolen 100 dollar bills.  The 100 dollar bills are still evidence of the crime, but the writing on them is privileged and the contents of that writing cannot be used to prosecute the crime.  You can sit there and scream about crime-fraud exception like an infant, or you can actually look at what the writing says and whether it is in fact attorney-client privileged, or love notes, or a conspiracy to do more crimes (which then in fact would be subject to the crime-fraud exception).

    Except it's not a crime to simply possess a $100 bill. There's a reasonable reason for you to have that. Ain't no reason for you to have a kilo of coke, and just like it's easy to separate the legal docs from the pile of coke, so too is it easy to separate things with classification markings from those without. At this point, the only reason we're doing this special master process is because we can't trust the judiciary to do that separation process, but we CAN trust the judiciary to make the right call on everything else? Lolwut?

    It's fucking ridiculous that we are preventing the use of that evidence for further criminal law enforcement action, pending a superfluous and delaying review with its own long list of possible delaying tactics. It's all meant to delay until the republicans can get more power and kill the investigation and fully seize power. 

    Open your fucking eyes man. They're not playing fucking tiddlywinks. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  10. 13 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    The fact of the matter is, for whatever reason, Trump doesn't have the documents anymore.

    And, the government won't let him see them.

    It can be kind of difficult to make reasoned arguments about the documents when you can't look at them.

    The government has valid, rational reasons for not letting him see them, but that still doesn't change the fact that he can't see them.

    The choice you want to make is deference to the government and no deference to Trump.  I get it.  

    Trump argues no deference to the government and deference to him. That's bullshit.

    This decision splits the baby, as judicial decisions tend to do.

    If your kilo of coke gets seized by the police but you had jumbled your legal documents into the key, do you think any Joe citizen gets to put a full stop into the investigation of how they use that kilo to build a case?

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  11. 4 hours ago, bolverk said:

    Yep. If you're not already watching the new Ken Burns series on PBS, you should. They go a good bit into Hitler's rise to power in the first episode, and it's the same playbook.


    You should listen to all of the "Behind the Insurrections" from the BastardsPod folks - they recorded them in the weeks after Jan6 and really fucking line up where it's the same rhetoric and talking points across pretty much every fascist powergrab

  12. 2 hours ago, UTGrad98 said:

    After the ethereum merge a week ago looks like some dude copied his ethereum transaction of 200 coins from some old eth fork network to the new network and it went through so that seems like good news. Eth price dropped 20% as soon as it was caught. 


    when "code is law", bugs and sneaky moves like this are a real son of a bitch. It's one of the main limitations of cryptocurrencies preventing cryptocurrency from working as, well, currency. Well that and their massive transaction fees and latency for on-chain (read: actually real) operations.

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