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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 6 minutes ago, FirstTimeCaller said:

    That said, I do think the border is an issue and needs to be addressed. It's one area where I think Biden is lacking and Republicans have a legit gripe.

    To what extent though? It's not like there's nothing going on down there, action-wise. Hell on my way back from the ranch last week, I got stopped twice by USBP (feds) on Pinto Canyon Road because they "hadn't seen my car before and this is a highly trafficked area". Talked dove and hiking snacks for a few mins while his partners ran my stuff and looked through all my windows, and away I went. 

    If we want fewer migrants coming into our country, perhaps we should try to make other parts of the world less shitty? That was Perry's big idea in the early aughts before the GOP went full racist and fascist. And the US has dirty hands when it comes to Central American governance

    • Hook 'Em 5
  2. 5 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

    It's like Texans, especially on the border have been dealing with it for years. Why should our border czar not see the work she's not doing? What, she only gone to El Paso once? Also, you want to be sanctuary city/state so bad, why don't you deal with the trickling of immigrants? What a bunch of NIMBYs. Take some responsibility for what you're policies bring in. This isn't cruel, it is relieving the small border town that you don't have the infrastructure to deal with year after year.

    Can you be more specific about what we should take responsibility for? Does your renewed posting in CR have anything to do with the white angst over no longer being the majority in Texas? Please edumacate us on how to take some responsibility for what our are (lol) policies bringing in.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. It's always fun to update Jesus's parables and apply them to the right:

    In reply Jesus said: "A man was going from Guatamala, fleeing a drug cartel that wanted to kill him and seize his daughters as sex slaves, when he found himself on the brink of starvation, having crossed a desert, a river, and another desert with limited supplies and no money. He went to a prosperity gospel preacher for help, but they had just had the carpets cleaned so the preacher refused him shelter. He went to the Christian governor for help, but the governor shipped him to Martha's Vineyard with no support or direction so he could own the libs. But a pinko, commie libtard saw him and took pity on him. He clothed him, and fed him, and sheltered him. He brought him to an immigration lawyer and said 'Look after him. When I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.'

    “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell victim to drug cartels and gangs?”

    The expert in the law replied, “The bleeding heart, pinko commie libtard who had mercy on him.”

    Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  4. On 9/13/2022 at 7:27 AM, MagicSoccerSpray said:

    Condescension acknowledged. I know it's used by the populists, but I just meant it as the gears of the machine. "Deep" because it's less followed than the surface politicians. The term existed far before it was co-opted by populists on both sides, any moron knows that. No nefarious conspiracy. No Q.

    Yeah yeah and the swastika is just a tibetan good luck charm, ok buddy

  5. 10 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    I dunno, maybe I'm just a dumb grocery shopper but when I see higher meat prices for beef and chicken at the grocery store I don't look at the Oval Office, I look at the weather and the corporate producers. Drought for months, bird flu, packer consolidation, those have an effect on prices that seems much more immediate.

    But then what grievances would you have to post thinly veiled partisan talking points about in a business board thread?

    • Hook 'Em 3
  6. 6 minutes ago, Poe It Up said:

    I placed 3rd in the spelling bee in 2nd grade, so I know I’m very smart. But still, I overstepped the line there. I felt a little ganged up on there and swung wildly. Apologies. 

    Well yeah, it's easy to feel ganged up on when you're talking making jokes about shit while there's yet another school shooting going on. 


    I was WB on I-10 and saw a shitload of cop cars going east towards downtown, now I know.... God bless Texas!

    • Rage+1 1
  7. 16 minutes ago, Gengs1 said:

    the orcs probably hit a few electrical poles haha

    His follow-up tweet is notable:

    this missile is one of their nuclear delivery missiles. If the old stock air defense thats being sent to Ukraine is able to intercept nearly all of them, then that's a biiiiiiig deal for russias nuclear deterrence 


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  8. 38 minutes ago, Bullneck said:

    You're right, it's a good thread!



    along the lines of this metaphor - bro do you even know what climate change is? It's very possible that extremely infrequent rain is not an outlier and is just the new normal. I'm sure it'll rain again, but I'd bet it's going to be less frequent and less voluminous as we move more into the future. Yeah, we can do stuff to reduce or maybe even reverse the trend, but it'll take comprehensive and cohesive action.

  9. 2 hours ago, Buzzrock said:

    I had no idea I occupied so much space in your head. I’m flattered. 

    My current take is that Russia is not going to give up without using their most powerful weapons. They will end up getting the Donbas just like they got Crimea. I would prefer that happen with as little loss of life as possible and so yes, I would prefer a swift diplomatic outcome over more fighting and civilian deaths. 

    But this is the war that everyone seems to love, and no one seems to care that we are in a proxy war with Russia, so I think it’s unlikely. This is Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan all over again. We will never learn. 


    any familial relation? Very similar vibes from your post. Appeasement is uh.... Not a historically successful strategy.

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  10. 12 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:




    not that they should have seen this live, but would replay not take a look at whether or not he was down?

    In the big 12? Against Texas? 🤣

    • Rage+1 1
  11. 1 hour ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Not ever what I said.

    You, however, cannot seem to tolerate the slightest bit of due process if you're mad enough at the defendant.  That is 100% accurate.

    Due process isn't abusing the court system with contradictory and counterfactual filings by the defendant, or the courts issuing rulings that are wholly unsupported by law that legitimize those false filings by trumpco. You're acting like we should be taking them seriously and lower the legal system to their level and play calvinball with them, which ain't gonna end well if you like democracy

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