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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. Not directly related to the Ukraine war, but it's an interesting analysis that shows how thinly stretched and depleted the russian military is. 

    Their navy couldn't operate 4 corvettes without incident for three days. I doubt the rest of the fleet is much better. More Ukraine related: I doubt we'll see any further significant naval action in the black sea unless another country gets involved

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  2. So a couple of things:

    1) apparently that woman in the CNN story has been pro abortion for the better part of a decade through a decade of miscarriages. CNN did some shitty selective quotation from her own self written story of going through the experience, including a bout of cervical cancer. Shitty move by CNN, IMO. 

    2) The fucking Dutch government minister of foreign trade is pressing Abbott on our draconian abortion laws (they ban after 24 weeks). Happened yesterday during a state visit to Texas by the Dutch royal family, surprised it didn't get posted here

  3. 18 hours ago, fattyflattie said:

    Have you not seen the event we’re discussing, you dramatic cocksucker. 

    Lol what's with you and your far right buddies going to "cocksucker" so often as an insult? Is that another GQP projection thing?

    I'm reminding you of the fucking stakes because you're always trying to distract from it. 

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, fattyflattie said:

    It’s not a jab. But always funny when people say I’d melt my shit right now rah rah. Well, you can.  I couldn’t give a single fuck about gang bangers killing each other. I hope more of them do. 

    TIL elementary school kids and teachers are gang bangers. Go fuck your own face before you vote for a fascist just so you can keep your toys

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  5. 1 minute ago, Laxtonto said:

    This is a very loaded question with lots of facets, but the best answer is lack of knowledge, tribalism warfare, poor infrastructure, and limited growing regions combined with population growth that has outstripped their own small-scale food production and have therefore been dependent on outside help for generations.


    Its a mess and lots of people much smarter than me have failed at trying to fins a legit solution.

    Well that and having almost the entirety of Africa colonized and destroying all of the social and civil structure basically set them back a few hundred years. Decolonization was about as successful as reconstruction, and that legacy is a big part of why there's so little ability for a government to last

  6. 2 hours ago, Ghost of LL said:

    And that raises a real question in my mind.  Russia has a lot of enemies on its borders (primarily as a result of its own behavior).  How long is it going to take Georgia to decide that now is the time to retake Abkhazia and South Ossetia?  When are the Azerbaijanis going to decide they need to put the hurt back on the Armenians?

    And for that matter, if the Poles want to seize Belarus as a bit of recompense for 1939, then there's not a goddamned thing the Russians could do to prevent it right now.

    nuclear explosion GIF

    Is how that would end. Russia would absolutely use nukes to discourage invasion of their territory 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. On 9/6/2022 at 11:19 PM, fattyflattie said:

    This will be news to a Biden guy, but you don’t have to deep throat your candidate.  


    9 hours ago, Incredulity said:

    The fart sniffing leftists need to understand what the people they lionize are doing.

    Speak of the crotch sniffer

    Interesting shift in rhetoric that the left is all just a bunch of Biden deepthroaters and fart sniffers. I've been pretty upfront about what I dislike about Biden and where I think he falls short, but I guess we can't celebrate anything?

    There must be some new youtube agitator that's feeding new talking points to the useful idiots

  8. 24 minutes ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    Has wearing burnt orange to football games worked the last dozen years?  Not everything has to be a political message.

    Our coaching and play calling has pretty much just been thoughts and prayers, fwiw

    • Rage+1 1
  9. 6 hours ago, Humble Beast said:

    Looks like they’re going to go with price caps and rationing to deal with resulting shortages. Bold strategy, Cotton. 


    Hopefully this flattening of the curve works better than the last one. 

    It's really incredible how you're just completely ignoring that this is the result of putin's economic war against Europe to punish them for assisting Ukraine. Also surprised that babyaga would rep humbleGRUvibes fist pumping putin's effectiveness in causing pain to Ukraine's lifeline, considering he's been pretty pro-Ukraine. 


    • Hook 'Em 4
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  10. Just now, fattyflattie said:

    Probably not wrong. But I won’t be excited. Way too much culture war bullshit with that guy, at least from what I’ve seen that’s all he’s hung up on. 

    Lmfao, so you're offended that I called you out for wanting to vote for a fascist? The unfair bit is just that you hadn't said those exact words I guess ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

    2 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    I agree that Trump has no business having personal possession of Presidential Records.  But I fail to see how that precludes him from asserting executive privilege.  Not winning it, but asserting it.

    If someone asserts something that is not possible, why should we waste time proving them wrong? If trump said the moon is made of cheddar cheese, you'd first try to investigate if it was sharp or mild rather than dismiss the absurdity

  11. 1 minute ago, fattyflattie said:

    As evidenced by all the times I’ve never mentioned him?  Cool.  I guess it doesn’t really matter who’s name is next to the R, but you’re above just out and out making bullshit up? Maybe not. Carry on. 

    My bad, I lumped you in with your buddies unfairly again. I just assumed that you'd be voting for him since Biden will take your guns away, or something. Mea culpa. 

    1 minute ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Let me ask you this.

    Who determined that there's no privilege here?

    Privilege over classified materials? That he is legally not allowed to possess, much less lie to the government about and obstruct their recovery?

    I'd be much less upset if the judge drew a line between classified and unclassified materials recovered. That's a bright red line, and there's no reflection of that in this unilateral trumpists judge ruling to block a criminal investigation based on a civil matter

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