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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 2 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Question I have, that will probably never be answered:  does the human intelligence portion of the documents match up with the uptick in asset deaths over the past couple of years, or will it match with incidents in the upcoming years?


    Another question- is there anything that stopped them from making physical or digital copies of the material which they possess elsewhere or have already passed on?  Is there some sort of seal or anti tampering on the envelopes to show if they’ve been opened, or is it just like an inter office mail envelope because again, per normalcy, nobody expected them to be taken from the room in which they live?

    Well we don't know what the HCS is, but there was an uptick in asset and informant deaths that they speculated may have been the result of superior spycraft. I doubt we'll ever find out publicly if trump directly led to the deaths of people who stuck their neck out for America's interests, but the damage is done at this point. America is less trustworthy

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 13 hours ago, immamac said:

    You guys can talk all the shit you want, you better eat crow when this mother fucker flies to the moon and back. 

    Man I fucking hope so! Still not clearing a full wet run through of their start sequence is a bit of a concern, as are the ongoing Boeing Reliability™ issues with valves. 

    I'll eat all the crow I can when the Orion capsule is orbiting the moon, but it bears repeating how off the rails NASA is with this timeline. They haven't even completed a dress rehearsal, much less a full flight, and want to put people on Artemis II?? That's supposed to fly in 2024? When the original launch date for Artemis I was supposed to be sometime in 2016?

    I want NASA to succeed, but the Artemis program has to run the table to have a happy ending at this point. It's existence was more of a "FU" from Congress to the President at the time it was created, and it's been incredibly successful as a jobs program, but it's comes at too high of an opportunity cost. Hell, putting a rover on Mars only costed $2.7B - just this Artemis launch is at $4B and counting. And it's just a test flight!

  3. On 8/21/2022 at 2:19 PM, Brisketexan said:

    Something I truly don't understand.   There are plenty of developers who end up toxic because of the exact shit he pulls, and they go under.  He is the most bulletproof human shitstain I have ever seen.

    So crazy that Ms Bobb would risk her law license on the word of trump. I'm consistently caught off guard how a certain group of people just blindly believe someone because of their office and ignore the rest of that person's history. Or she's just a dumb fascist, either way. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  4. 1 minute ago, Incredulity said:

    Sorry to break this news to you, but they were arrested, prosecuted and now jailed.  Burning the city down isn't the reason that happened.

    No shit. Burning the city down is what we call a bad outcome from bad public policy and a broken public trust. Not sure where you're getting this idea that I'm claiming it was a good thing or led to good things. Also I'm getting my cases mixed up here a bit so my apologies - chauvin and his accomplices were actually charged pretty quickly and I'm mixing this up with the Arbery and Taylor murders and trials. MPD did actually fire chauvin after this incident, but it wasn't his first time choking out suspects, and MPD's willful negligence is a significant factor towards why there was violence.

    Also, yeah, like I mentioned in my post much of the burning was instigated by the fascists. And the city didn't completely burn down.

  5. On 5/31/2020 at 3:37 PM, Incredulity said:

    It is.  

    The fact these people have nothing to do tomorrow or the next day or the next day or...is the napalm that is fueling this.

    So moving our conversation to a more appropriate thread.... The napalm that fueled the anti-police violence during the 2020 summer of love is the fact that MPD MURDERED George Floyd, and law enforcement sheltered the criminals from legal repercussions or even fucking investigations. Had MPD just fucking treated Floyd's murderers like fucking suspects and shown real equal accountability, there would not have been the impetus for the protests that devolved into violence (with the help of white suprema - I mean - very fine people)

  6. 22 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Just as CRT isn't a thing in K-12 schools, liberal fascism isn't a thing anywhere, but that's not stopping these guys.  They know they're lying. 

    The other day I saw a very nice podcast where a guy broke down fascism by degree, explained the difference between fascist movements in the 1920s and those we are seeing now, etc.  In short, it's not a hard science, there are an infinite shades of gray, but ultimately, the desire for Trump to make all the big decisions and to operate beyond the bounds of prosecution screams "fascism".

    If you listen to Behind the Bastards, their series they did right after Jan 6 called "Behind the Insurrections" covered all the major fascist insurrections in Europe during the 1920s/30s. None of the insurrections were exactly like eachother, but they all had similar themes, rhetoric, and desired outcomes of national supremacy and stratifying society into "in groups" and "other groups". 

    Very strong similarity to today's GQP movement

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  7. 8 hours ago, Hagbard Celine said:


    eric could probably come up with the answer to this question:

    if they just built brand new RS-25E (expendable) engines what would that have cost vs. the 3 billion spent to store and rehab the last 20 engines from the shuttle program?

    Shit, a raptor 2 ($1M price tag) puts out 2.3MN of thrust to the RS25's ($40m price tag) 2.25MN of thrust, and you don't have the headaches of cryogenic hydrogen to grapple with. It was a mistake to go with the RS25'S not to mention their cost and complexity, they put an incredible number of design constraints on your rocket - hell they had to plumb the LOX line externally because it would otherwise get frozen by the LH2! 

    Granted, raptor 2 didn't even exist when SLS was kicked off, but that's kind of my point. NASA has tied a millstone around its neck trying to eke out some value from leftover hardware and it's completely compromised their ability to send humans to space again. Were it not for spaceX, the west wouldn't have a way to get to space anymore! Just ridiculous that NASA isn't innovating any more on rocket design, despite burning $23,000,000,000 and counting on SLS 

  8. 20 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Little more on the HARM stuff


    That integration/retrofit pattern seems like a real multiplier for capabilities - no computer in your 40 year old jet to talk to the missiles? Here's a tablet, go nuts! I'm sure it would never pass inspection or get certified, but that's awesome that Ukraine is able to bubble gum and bailing wire it all together into a weapons system

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  9. 9 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    I could be reading too much into it, but it’s the kind of thing that if Russia gets pushed back to pre-February lines, it’s being put out there that the oligarchs share some of the blame for diverting funds away from the defense industry

    The only thing more fun than watching an authoritarian be confronted with the reality of his defeat is watching him scapegoat his underlings one by one

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  10. 1 minute ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Although it's barely recognizable as one, it has got to be one of a few or the only dreadnought type battleships surviving.

    I believe it's the only remaining dreadnought type, certainly the only one that fought in both world wars!

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  11. 2 hours ago, slorch said:

    Relieving individual debt to colleges incentivizes them to lower costs how?  Unless, he is summarily telling them to fuck off, and writes off the debt, but unless I am mistaken, the schools already got their money.  Schools are not the lenders.


    They just throw some pretty words in a bowl until it sounds good or what?  It's a victory lap for lighting money on fire.  Our money.

    Eh, that's one portion of it but there's also planned rule changes to "hold career programs accountable for leaving their graduates with mountains of debt they cannot repay" and go after debtmills like ITT tech and the like, reduce the financial burden of educational loans with payment caps based on discretionary income, and rule changes for the dept of education to actually hold colleges accountable for bullshit fee increases

    Sounds like a lotta sour grapes for what appears to be a solid step in the right direction considering we're never gonna get a perfect solution

    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. 8 hours ago, CycleTex87 said:

    The launch today is scrubbed due to one of these 1970’s left over engines jammed up.  Try again at the end of the week. 

    It was unclear to me if it was the engine or a flow line from the tanks, considering they earlier in the sequence had a leak in one of those lines that delayed the launch. Still haven't cleared a full wet dress rehearsal... 

    Honestly, I'm more offended at them just expending and destroying those beautiful masterpiece engines that flew STS!

     Harrison Ford That Belongs In A Museum GIF

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