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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. Just now, Trey3216 said:

    Jesus, you constantly assume everything under the sun

    Lol. Guys. Let's talk actual and specific reality here then. Your thesis is that college is expensive because of the glut of "bullshit" degrees that won't pay for themselves. Take a look for yourselves. 


    What degrees would you broadly call "bullshit"? Let's talk outside of rhetoric, be specific. Because looking at that, there's far more hard science and "stem" degrees conferred than liberal arts (presuming that's your bugaboo that you won't put a name to). A ton of masters programs too - all of which are critical for the undergrads education as well. Who do you think actually runs office hours and grades shit?

  2. 8 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

    I also don’t feel the business of higher education is allocating resources in an intelligent manner, and they do it because the free money train for them is perpetual at the behest of the federal government.

    But you would say getting a trilly in tax cuts and using that to buy the largest ever round of stock buybacks to enrich shareholders at public expense, and TOTALLY not affecting inflationary trends whatsoever amirite, is an intelligent allocation of taxpayer resources?

    Because this is less money going out now, and I sure don't remember any complaints back then. 

    I don't disagree that higher ed isn't fucked seven ways to Sunday. But last I checked, privatizing things further and limiting the scope of degrees offered as equals is only going to make things worse. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    Aggy sucking doesn't mean college football sucks.

    No, but when you're arguing that college is expensive primarily because of "bullshit professors and bullshit department administrators and bullshit buildings" it certainly does sound like you just want to cancel any non-STEM (read: unprofitable and/or bullshit) degrees, which is how I interpreted him

  4. 1 hour ago, Trey3216 said:

    Until the government starts pushing back on, we’ll, the government for guaranteeing massive amounts of loans for bullshit degrees which require bullshit professors and bullshit department administrators and bullshit buildings to fund.  The federal government’s complicity in the skyrocketing cost of continued education is well-known, and is moreso the nexus rather than the universities themselves, even if the universities were more than eager to overspend to pump out the bullshit.   


    The rising cost of higher education is a function of our state contributing less and less to universities, and the creation of student loan backed bond sales. People shouldn't be profiting off of student debt. If education is merely an economic transaction, you're going to be leaving out the third of the country that is too poor to participate in economics

  5. 8 hours ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    Not just any horn, that's Eric Berger of Space City Weather! Also, I liked some of his turns of phrase lol

    "Who doesn't want to watch a huge, Brobdingnagian rocket consume millions of kilograms of fuel and break the surly bonds of Earth's gravity?"

    Really excellent article though, and he's got loads of credibility from his own primary sourced interviews in 2009 that had NASA administrators bad talking falcon heavy and talking about SLS as if it were already real. In 2009. I think the whole thing is nicely summed up by his line

    "Those who have focused on the "space race" this year between SLS and Starship have missed the point. The real question is not which of the two super heavy-lift rockets launches first. Rather, it's "how many Starships will launch between the first and second flights of the SLS rocket?"

    • Like 1
  6. 17 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    I’m sure they’ll work on reducing it now that they know it’ll be forgiven/paid by the govt anytime the electorate feels like voting themselves some more free money. 

    Hey if big business interests get to do it, why shouldn't the people get to do it too?

    • Hook 'Em 4
    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  7. 33 minutes ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

    I mean undergrad at UT now at $130k estimated cost of attendance and it's considered a lower cost school 🙄

    Isn't more than half of that cost of living in Austin? It's been a minute since Ive had to look at the official student cost card. But yeah. Tuition alone is increasing at a rate far higher than inflation, not to mention the rest of Austin's affordability problems

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. To solve the issues with higher ed, the taxpayer is gonna need to spend more. Period. Or we need to fundamentally and systemically change how education works.

    But none of that matters for the multiple generations buried with debt that's stalling their start of adulthood. How can you afford to save a down payment when rent has nearly doubled in the last decade? Many can't even afford to live on their own, or choose to live with family just so they can actually scrape some savings together. 

    There's been too much profit taking and tax cutting and the variety of problems we see are all symptoms of that. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. it's completely unsurprising to see lil annie #bothsides cheering on the rise of desantis. Homeboy is already overturning the will of his voters in suspending an elected state prosecutor with zero legal backing to do so. You don't get to just remove elected officials just because you don't like what they said.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    The average federal student loan debt is, I believe, something around $25k to $30k. 

    ftfy - lots of students have either state or private educational loans to supplement their fed loans. The financial aid package of your average UT student right now is mostly state of TX loans, including the remaining ~40% of my total principle. Because I paid off my fed loans in 2020 like a chump

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    since he's now reaching for low-hanging fruit now (and sorry trumplicans, this is a very popular and well-reasoned/backed loan forgiveness) now do marijuana. Just rip that fucking bandaid off, Joe. Undo a half-century+ of bad policy and give the people their medicine! Can I get an amen?!

    but then how would we fill up our slavery prisoner quota without marijuana charges to press against minorities??

    • Rage+1 1
  12. Reading some of the allegations, if this dude was the head of security he would know all those details. And while the bigtech™ place I work at has verrrrry strict security controls that wouldn't allow what's described, I can 100000% see an organization running like that because they never stopped to fix their shit. Pretty much any business that isn't a hyperscaler is going to have some degree of those problems, it's just a matter of how big and broad the issues are, and how much defense in depth they have in place.

    I'm eager to see how much of this is borne out during the musk litigation, as this is all pretty discreet and provable. At least if twitter has been doing their ISO and SOX audits like they should have been...

  13. 10 hours ago, Pancho said:

    If you go thru this entire thread, I’m sure you’ll eventually see some people you may know:



    He's doing his Alex Jones impression. To these very fine people, that is the absolute pinnacle of argument and persuasion

  14. 9 hours ago, Humble Beast said:

    Who will buy? The Fed obviously. The timing should work out well for the next round of QE to get announced. Large scale debt monetization. yeehaw

    You're just describing a government version of what private equity firms have been doing for ages with their own stocks and shares and bonds lol. This is why the money supply is out of control. Every dollar of asset is being used to underwrite loans, and then the asset is still used or sold, or simply loses value. But the money from the loan remains. 

    Rinse and repeat. Zero percent interest is a hell of a drug if you've got a few million in things to get loans off of

  15. 9 hours ago, Humble Beast said:

    Who will buy? The Fed obviously. The timing should work out well for the next round of QE to get announced. Large scale debt monetization. yeehaw

    You're just describing a government version of what private equity firms have been doing for ages with their own stocks and shares and bonds lol. This is why the money supply is out of control. Every dollar of asset is being used to underwrite loans, and then the asset is still used or sold, or simply loses value. But the money from the loan remains. 

    Rinse and repeat. Zero percent interest is a hell of a drug if you've got a few million in things to get loans off of

    • Hook 'Em 1
  16. 12 hours ago, Catpfish said:

    Not to keep beating a dead horse, but be careful if you move to starlink. My system is mounted at the top of my house, with no obstruction within a hundred yards, and loses connection in any type of rain. This is what my connection is doing right now and has been down all afternoon. They say they are aware of a degradation of service in my area (Pflugerville) and are working on it, but who knows what that means.

    That said when it works, which admittedly is most of the time, it's pretty good but my wife has had to work from a mobile hotspot at least twice in the last 2 weeks.f6e9e6e53d448d15e69ced0ce489bbda.jpg

    I'm curious, are you near any power lines or a transformer station or any potential sources of significant EM interference? Or it's possible that some of the satellites in the orbital track that cover your area are having issues, so you're getting poor coverage when the unhealthy nodes are serving you

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