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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 10 minutes ago, texasdago said:

    As much as I don't like him, I would hate to think of someone worse than him.  

    I don't think they could vote any worse than crenshaw was voting, so it kinda doesn't matter lol

  2. 18 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    Huh, I was told by the GOP that the IRA is extremely unpopular and no one likes anything in it



    lol if you ask @Humble Beast, the Inflation Reduction Act is basically just child sex trafficking. The mods deleted his post to hide his shame and idiocy, but he deserves to be mocked more for bringing that shit to the 6th St Journal board

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  3. Heh. Fuck Crenshaw - he was a dogshit congressman and never replied to any of my calls or correspondence on legislation that was up for a vote. After redistricting he's not my rep anymore, but fuck em. I hope he gets eaten by the MAGAmob

    • Hook 'Em 4
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 2
  4. 14 minutes ago, Brew said:

    Reading through this thread, seems like utilities is the place where the government may actually be able to run things better than the private sector. Living under the TVA umbrella with all municipal utilities has been a bonus. Several utilities in KY tried to spin out of the TVA system and built their own power generation plants and they have been killed financially. They are sitting on massive debt that they can’t pay, the local cities (all fairly small) signed off on the bond issues and are on the hook, and it’s been one issue after another with them. We did some price consulting for them a few years back and it was clear then that there was a major problem coming.

    Yes but what you aren't considering is all the individuals who were able to enrich themselves by creating a private entity, giving themselves fat paychecks and bonuses for their troubles, and then bouncing when shit goes underwater. They get to privatize the profits, and socialize the losses! What's not to love?

  5. 7 hours ago, TKthunder2 said:

    Private power and the State/ERCOT deserve the scorn they get on here, but Austin Energy shouldn’t be exempt just because of “my team” CR bullshit reasons.  Fuck them all, fix this shit.

    It's more of a "hey let's not focus on a single city that's doing its own thing being below standard when 99% of the rest of the state is also fucked up"

    Deflection to a whatabout to eat up the oxygen in the conversation is a CLASSIC tactic of people who don't actually want to talk about the problem. It ain't the Austin energy thread, my power was out for 3 days in Houston during the freeze - AE ain't got shit to do with that. 

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  6. 8 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    More shit Russian can't manufacture as long as the sanctions hang around.  Stealth submarines and aircraft carriers that have a huge fucking beam.


    Lmao those units would fuckin SLAP in a Red Alert reboot! But the russian navy is a fucking joke, aside from their sub forces. The Kuz fucking sunk the last drydock it was in lol. 

    They couldn't build the carrier, sanctions or no. And they'd probably only be able to build a single stealth sub, but it doesn't really matter compared to Status 6, which is already a live weapons system

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 1 hour ago, statsman said:

    I think raising taxes on the corporations that sell us our goods and services is a great way to fight inflation. They are honor-bound to not raise prices. 

    Well we all got so much benefit trickling down our collective faces when we gave them a huge tax break, right? If raising taxes on corps raises their prices, then dropping taxes MUST have reduced their prices! It would just be UNPOSSIBLE that a solely profit driven entity would take every opportunity it could to maximize their profits, right???

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Samson's Wig said:

    While we all bash the shortcomings of the free market system throughout TX, let's not forget about the "nationalized" system in Austin for electricity and water, which is even worse than what the rest of the state is dealing with.  None of this shit is working like it should, and like with most things the solution likely falls somewhere in the middle.

    I gotta disagree with your framing man - publicly owned utilities isn't "nationalized". It's the norm. Texas' privatized utility system has had nothing but negative effects on the downstream consumers who are subject to a state-sanctioned monopoly that is purely profit driven with no requirement to plan for severe events.

    It shouldn't be on Joe Consumer to build his own durability into his home - the utility and grid operators are supposed to be covering that. They're shirking that responsibility down to the individual so that they can reap even larger profit margins with the reduced overhead costs. 

    You don't go to the gas pump with a fucking hydrometer to make sure you're getting quality fuel - you have an expectation of getting an immediately usable product. I really don't understand this reflexive need to cover for these greedy and maintenance-averse operators.

    • Hook 'Em 6
  9. 1 minute ago, MC Fresh Breath said:

    I don't understand why Scott Adams keeps getting posted in this thread.  People haven't given a fuck about Dilbert in forever.  This is the only place I see his dumb ass being discussed.


    because people keep falling into the trap of repeating the lies and propaganda of bad faith actors, doing their work for them. It doesn't matter than you're making fun of em, just repeating the lie gives it oxygen

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, bernorange said:

    Is that because people are buying more, or because buying less shit costs more?  


    I'm inclined to think it's the latter - we know that wages for the walmart demographic aren't increasing at a rate that beats inflation, and Wally world is as eager as any corporation to exploit the inflationary headwinds to increase prices for better profit margins

  11. 15 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    Hale I think said the outliers may survive a few months or a year but that’s it. Humanity is going extinct 

    Isn't there some threshold of number of people for the genetics to be diverse enough to continue in perpetuity? Like 11,000 or something like that? If there's only a handful of outliers that are alive still and the rest of the humans are murder-trons, humanity wouldn't last

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