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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 38 minutes ago, 52-80 said:

    stock market valuation do not affect money supply unless either the corporation borrow, or shareholders borrow against their assets (eg 401k, brokerage account)

    a company issuing new shares (to take advantage of high prices) just removes cash from investors. an investor selling his/her share removes cash from the buyer. 

    please keep your seat belt buckled on the shortbus. 

    Buddy, are you not familiar with how the wealthy actually get value out of their stocks and shares? They get loans and use the shares as collateral - it's why Elon is freaking out about buying TWTR. He's already leveraged up to the tits and TSLA is securing most of that debt. Best part of doing it that way - it's not taxed! Way better than selling shares for the individual as you get to retain the asset, but increases the monetary supply significantly. 

    Which is a major contributor to inflation. 

    Also @slorch this would be one of those folks that is in the "it's not really that bad" camp lol. Not sure why you're getting your tortilla in a twist at jimmy and I 

  2. 14 minutes ago, slorch said:

    We’re hemorrhaging economically.  Massive spending isn’t the solution.

    People don’t want it fixed.  That is patently obvious.  It is deliberate destruction.

    Careful now, don't CR the thread by talking about the actual laws passed and fiscal policy followed to get us to where we are! 

    Yeah dude. Our system is built such that the only measure of success is infinite growth. Taking steps to reduce inflation is going to harm that line going up, and doing shit like the 2017 TCAJ Act giving corps and ultra-wealthy individuals a gargantuan tax break in perpetuity while back-door raising taxes on everyone else when the individual provisions expire in 2025 definitely isn't helping things. And sure, #bothsides, neoliberal economic policy also drinks from the well of unlimited growth and has much the same problem with long-term policy.

    Turns out trickle down IS bullshit and is deliberately destroying the middle class to bolster their RECORD PROFITS BAYBEEEE!

  3. 2 hours ago, slorch said:

    LOLz at the "It's not really that bad" campers. As if you didn't get an electric bill for July...or even put food on the table at home.

    It's all imaginary, right?

    Yup slorch, that's exactly what we're posting. I definitely think everything is honkey-dorey, and but for the ebil gubmint collecting taxes, we'd be in a state of fiscal bliss. 

    Great work as always slorch. 

  4. Really gotta give a tip of the cap to GRUvibes for making the inflation thread into a taxes and IRS bad thread. Not like taxes are a meaningful way to reduce monetary supply and tap the brakes or anything, right? 

    No you're right, let's do the AM talk radio hits on how the IRS is going to target small business owners. 

    Let's definitely not talk about the massive economic stimulus in fat years via corporate tax cuts. There's no way that could directly lead us to the inflated stock market we've been watching correct. And definitely has nothing to do with the limited options remaining to manage the current situation. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, Auto Driller said:

    I imagine that local collaborators in Kherson are sweating bullets right now. No way to leave, and everyone knows what you did…

    There's probably just a few folks left with living memory of the last time Ukrainians dealt with fascist collaborators... Those folks giving aid and comfort to ivan are gonna have a baaaaaaaaad time

  6. 8 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    None of the offenses listed in the search warrant require the documents to be classified.

    I suppose we should consider the unpleasant possibility that they are considering persons other than Trump for violation of those statutes.

    I mean, isn't that how you take down a mob boss? Keep squeezing his toadies until he either runs out of support to maintain power, or until enough of them flip to take him down. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Chopper said:

    Dotard Donnie only released the search warrant because he was convinced that a judge would order it unsealed soon enough, either in response to DOJ's request or the NYT's FOIA.

    The only highly significant item it will likely confirm is that the search was conducted in response to a belief that he was in violation of the Espionage Act, 18 U.S.C., Chapter 36, specifically Section 793 - Gathering, Transmitting, or Losing Defense Information. We're not going to learn the good stuff - why did probable cause exist? what were the exigent circumstances? what was in the documents and why did they believe he kept them, etc. The information vacuum will continue and therefore it will continue to be filled with gqp lies.

    There's already been some interesting stuff, like the DOJ motion to release the warrant was undersigned by the chief of US counterintelligence and export control in addition to the AG.

    I hope we actually get the warrant released today and not more fuck fuck run out the clock games from team trump

  8. 3 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    I see Ana is still dropping by to make ambiguous posts hinting without saying that we're all still wrong to be pissed off about abortion bans that threaten women's lives. His allergy to saying what he actually thinks must be a really terrible one.

    Say what you will, but there's never been a more adept user of the Motte and Bailey fallacy to derail discussion and paint everyone else as unreasonable while laying down a hot log of #bothsides

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  9. Woman says she was injected with sedative against her will after abortion rights protest at NBA game: "Shocking and illegal"


    A protester has filed a federal civil lawsuit against the city of San Francisco claiming that a paramedic, under the direction of a police sergeant, injected her against her will with a sedative while she was handcuffed after being removed from a Golden State Warriors championship game for demonstrating in favor of abortion rights.

    Kareim McKnight and a friend, Amanda Piasecki, were at Game 5 of the Warriors series against the Boston Celtics at Chase Center on June 13 when they walked onto the main floor and displayed a banner that read "Overturn Roe? Hell No!" A draft of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade was leaked in May.

    Video shared by McKnight's attorney, John Burris, who filed the lawsuit this week, showed security guards dragging McKnight and Piasecki by their feet out of the venue.

    McKnight said that once they were outside, a San Francisco Police sergeant threatened to have her sedated.

    "I was dragged out, I was choked and I was hogtied and then a sergeant from the SFPD came up to me and threatened to have me sedated," she said.

    She said San Francisco Fire Department employees then strapped her to a gurney and wheeled her toward an emergency vehicle.

    "While I was on the ground, handcuffed in front of the emergency vehicle, one of the firefighters came with a needle towards me and I couldn't believe what I was seeing and I flinched and I said, 'No!' what if I'm allergic, you can't just inject me,'" she said.

    McKnight said the paramedic didn't ask her any medical questions and wouldn't tell her what she was injected with. She said she felt dizzy and began slurring her words.

    "Giving an injection to a protester against her will is shocking and illegal," Burris said, adding that officials violated McKnight's Fourth Amendment right to control her own body.

    She was taken for observation to a Kaiser Permanente hospital, which gave her a document showing she was given 5 milligrams of a drug called Versed, a sedative often prescribed to reduce anxiety. McKnight shared a photo of the document with The Associated Press that also described her as being in "a distressed emotional state after an altercation with SFPD."

    McKnight said she was not in emotional distress.

    San Francisco's policy on dealing with adults "with severe agitation posing a danger to self or others" allows for the use of the drug midazolam, a short-acting sedative sold under the brand name Versed, according to the county's emergency medical services protocols.

    The San Francisco Fire Department wouldn't say when the county approved the sedative to be used on people being detained or how many times the sedative has been used on detainees.

    CBS Bay Area reached out to both SFPD and SFFD for comment on the allegations, but we're told the agencies could not comment on pending litigation and referred to the San Francisco City Attorney's office. 

    In a statement, a spokesperson for that office, Jen Kwart said, "We have yet to be served with the lawsuit. We will review it once we are served and respond appropriately."

    TLDR: protesting and the cops don't like your speech? Get fucking sedated, fucker. Congrats again to the religious right for systemically attacking womens bodily autonomy.

    • Rage+1 1
  10. 22 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    On the “no visas for Russians” front, it should have happened a long time ago. I can almost guarantee Hungary will not sign up for it, and since there is freedom of movement in the bloc, it will really take the teeth out. 

    Orban and everyone who cheers on his flavor of fascism can eat a bag of dicks and die in a fire. He's directly supporting Putin and Russia. Fucking shameful. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, Prepuce of Doom said:

    I sure hope you didn't just spoil the outcome of this tournament. 

    Definitely not - the thing I saw was just 8 bots and it was a silver bolt trophy. Everyone was running some new hardware, it all felt very preseason with everyone trying new stuff. Whiplash had a bad mod with some low clearance "toes" that stuck him to the floor

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  12. 14 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    This might very well make their fixed-wing combat naval aviation defunct for all purposes in the Black Sea region. They’ll have to redirect assets from other fleets if they want to stand it up again. 

    I really am curious for after this conflict is over to learn more about the raid. The Ukrainians (as far as we know) committed a few missiles and some special forces to achieve a tactical knockout blow for russias air units in the region, and are adding a ton of stress to their strategic operations. 

    Between this and sinking the Moskva, russia really won't have any antiair capacity left in the region, which bodes well for Ukraine's Crimean and Kherson offensives

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