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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 1 minute ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    SEE: Orban, Viktor  for a Grade A example. Pundits believe the last free election in Hungary was over a decade ago.


    And yet as we speak he's trolling the EU by saying they need to do more than just sanctions because it isn't working. But just nevermind that orban/hungary undercut pretty much every full-press sanctions effort that the west made. 

    So weird how the authoritarian leaders of democratic nations keep blocking and making space for vlads russia 

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  2. 1 hour ago, axiom of foundation said:

    Solar output and peak Texas summer demand definitely have a favorable overlap.  Problem with west Texas wind is that it tends to drop very low in the middle of the afternoon.  There have been some afternoons this summer where wind was only outputting 1-2 GW of its 35 GW nameplate capacity.  4 - 8 hours worth of storage for our wind capacity would make it a very strong summer contributor.     

    There's also a major transmission capacity problem with getting that energy from west TX to east TX, which limits energy storage options as well. IMO I think residential solar is going to be a big factor in reducing overall grid strain and load. It doesn't take any more state-level infra investment to enable, and is putting power right next to where it's needed. I'm also very curious to see what sort of knock-on effects we will see from EV's becoming more common, like if every EV can be a powerwall on wheels like the F150 lightning can


    Also porter claimed he never said that we should be burning as much gas as fast as we can... Not quite sure how to square that with what he posted prior lol

    On 7/20/2022 at 11:17 PM, Porterhouse said:

    What’s admirable is to use the resources God gave you in the most expeditious manner possible

    Because in terms of long-term resource planning and scheduling, I really strenuously disagree. In fact, I'd argue that this sort of short-term thinking is exactly what's gotten us into our current mess. There's a benefit to having stockpiled resources and backup capacity on hand - it's how you mitigate small problems and prevent them from developing into major systemic issues.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, Porterhouse said:

    Your presumption constantly betrays you for the smug, ignorant cocksucker you are.  I'm not a "roughneck".  I've never worked a day of my life in the field.  I'm a finance guy that invests heavily in the business by buying oil and gas royalties, and I'm trying to overweight in gas.  Because I like making money, and I like common sense.  I like reading copious amounts of economic data that all point toward a massive supercycle in natural resource commodities.  I don't "pole" holes in the ground, and I can't decipher your hilarious last sentence.

    I read every bit of dahobbs' last data-supported post.  I responded to it before the electricity generation datapoints he linked earlier this week for a few reasons: 1) I don't know that as well and want to read/reflect and 2) I know the subsidy argument like the back of my hand.

    Refrain from posting in this thread.  Limit your contact with me to wrongly labeling me an anti-abortion Trump supporter.  

    Thanks for pointing out my typo - fixed :)

    oh sorry, you don't poke holes in the ground - you finance the holes that are poked in the ground! My apologies for making the grave error of thinking you were a blue collar worker instead of a white collar dude. That last sentence was in relation to your earlier statement that "we're supposed to be burning all the natgas we can access! It wouldn't be accessible to us if we weren't!" - and now that you've shared that your livelihood depends on more people consuming more natgas, it's pretty transparently clear why you've got such a militant stance against renewables.

    My point being: even right now as our state is running low on power - it ain't natgas saving our asses. That thermal generation is so far behind on maintenance that it's become unreliable and is materially threatening major investment in Texas, because every time power goes out at a fab, it costs hundreds of millions to restart. It's renewables rising to meet our needs during the hottest days. At this very moment, it's providing about 25% of our overall capacity! Without those renewables, we'd be in a blackout right now.

    Also, sorry that you don't like being associated with the consequences of your choices. Thoughts and prayers.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:

    We aren't just lurching backwards -- we're flying there at breakneck speed.  And knowing that the majority of America won't go along with this bullshit, they've decided to just overthrow the government and impose their will.

    This ends in blood.  That has always been the ending.  It's the one that they want, and when one party wants bloodshed, you can't stop it from happening.

    Combine that with the eliminationist rhetoric from the right around LQBT folks - framing them primarily as pedophiles and groomers to justify ANY act against them... Yeah it's going to end in blood. Just like that last time we decided to leave fundamental human rights "up to the states"

    • Hook 'Em 3
  5. lol yall arguing strategic policy decisions with a roughneck oilman that doesn't even read your argument or sources. He ain't gonna change his mind - he's got more holes to poke in the ground! If we wasn't uhpossed to burn it, we wouldn't be able to git it!

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  6. 3 minutes ago, RDCanecutter said:

    I never understand why people who are upset about this rattle on about it. The obvious thing for them to do is find a half-dozen under-employed young white women, and pay them to accept the OP's sacred seed and have a scad of white babies.

    If the dude is broke, hell, get some game and have a few mistresses.


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  7. 27 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    One observation about last night's hearing that was a little bothersome.

    A couple of the video depositions and audio clips they showed seemed to cut off abruptly after the "sound bite" they wanted.  I specifically recall a Milley clip and one or two other things.

    I'm not sure it's a huge deal, but "deposition clips" like that can be subject to highly selective presentation, missing context or unfavorable testimony immediately preceding or following the clip.  It makes my litigator spidey sense go off a bit.  

    I haven't gotten that feeling before from these hearings.

    I think the witnesses they have shown have been by and large extremely credible, and I don't think cross-examination would damage their credibility too much.  But, in the event of a criminal trial, their testimony is now "locked in" and could be subject to some hits, mostly in areas of recall and maybe incomplete information, and that is an area of concern.

    Counterpoint: there's alotta evidence for them to get through. They can't spend five minutes showing the whole clip every time they go to the tape.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Nicole44 said:

    Damnit all to hell. Fuck…

    “A New York Times report filed Thursday stated that "more than a dozen" of the 33 children and three teachers originally in the conjoined classrooms occupied by the shooter remained alive during the hour and 17-minute span between the beginning of the shooting and officers' entry into the classroom. One teacher shot by Ramos died while being transported to the hospital, the Times notes, and three children who were extracted from the classroom later died at the hospital from their injuries.”


    FBI Agent Katherine Schweit, one of the bureau's chief researchers on mass shootings, told the Tribune that going through a window is proper police protocol during an active shooter event.

    "The training that police officers have received for more than a decade mandates that when shots are fired in an active-shooter situation, officers or an officer needs to continue through whatever obstacles they face to get to the shooter, period," Schweit told the Tribune. "If that means they go through walls, or go around the back through windows, or through an adjoining classroom, they do that."



    'Member when every state official was praising the swift bravery and action of the police? I member. That was back when it officially was a dead teachers fault for not closing the door, and when Beto was just being a cop hater blowing it out of proportion.

    Ah, the lies we tell ourselves to protect our worldview. 

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  9. Lol Rimbo arguing with GRU Vibes about Bitcoin. Don't you know that by: taking a record and distributing it across the globe, throwing away quadrillions of calculations per second to prove you're holding the genuine list, and removing all the consumer protections and legal remedies for abuse, you're actually doing something "useful"?? 




    Also, be sure ignore that you have to trust the exchanges to be able to actually use your "trustless" currency lmao. Yeah yeah you shouldnt leave your crypto in an exchange - guess what - most people did anyways and have continually been deep dicked by cryptogrifters drafting in the wake of the original BTC whitepaper

  10. 37 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    He speeches nice, but made some huge tactical errors in the impeachment.

    What, like presenting his case to a jury that already made up it's mind to ignore any and all evidence? Gimmeafugginbreak man. Ain't no preemptory challenges in an impeachment. 


    Also lulz to see more magats doing the karen whenever someone touches them

    • Haha 1
  11. 29 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    I know plenty of Republicans who will pull the lever for (R), no matter who it is.

    Short term a MAGA third party hurts the GOP.  Long term, doubtful Trump will be around more than a few elections - I would be surprised if he’s alive in ‘28.  Then MAGA dissolves like Rudy’s hair dye.

    Trump is just a symptom of the right's addiction to authoritarianism and rejection of facts. The sickness ain't going anywhere. Desantis and abbott and every other GQP toadie will make sure of that.

    Seriously man, I feel like this is a huge blind spot for you. We're still actively dealing with the aftermath of a crime of treason that is still going unpunished, even though the information is out there plain as day. Hell, a third of the country won't even open their lying eyes to look.

    MAGA may dissolve, but only because it's being sublimated by some larger movement

    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. Just now, Sbbruin said:

    Surly legal eagles. Suppose you are in civil litigation and opposing counsel, during discovery, finds you have deleted a whole trove of relevant texts or emails, likely AFTER it was clear that they would be requested. I mean you'd be pretty fucked, yes?

    Tfw the supreme court says you cant hold federal agents liable for anything 

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  13. 14 minutes ago, Poe It Up said:

    Having your system overwhelmed by illegals sucks, welcome to the club New York. I suppose now you’ll want tougher bord… oh, who am I kidding. 

    "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
    With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

    gawd what a bunch of libtard bullshit!

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  14. 56 minutes ago, Nivek said:

    I called my allergist and they informed me that I could visit 2 weeks after my negative test, per their policy.   There is so much variability in how the medical community handles this.   Recall my primary suggested it would be fine to visit even while being positive after a number of days.

    I'd imagine it's all different levels of risk acceptance. A PCP is likely going to be facing a higher baseline risk of COVID exposure than the allergist by the nature of their practice - the allergist likely has fewer people coming to them specifically when they're feeling sick

  15. 8 hours ago, Scheiss Meister said:

    I overheard two coworkers completely seriously discussing how China is inflicting this heatwave on the world.  They don't know how they Chicoms are doing it, but they are absolutely convinced that the evil Chinese are to blame.  Idiots.

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day I guess lol. China is one of the worst offenders for carbon emissions that's driving global temperature increases. I mean, we are too, but both sides or something, I think

    • Hook 'Em 2
  16. 44 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    There’s plenty of people that become bozos after their prime years.  See Giuliani, Rudy.  Even if prime clown Flynn was in the military he isn’t pulling off shit.  Again, one offs, sure but you’re talking the entire military supporting a coup.  That’s absurd.  

    Buddy let me tell you, the best way to stop fascists isn't to rest on your laurels saying "there's no way they'll do exactly what they're saying they'll do!" It's not about the ENTIRE MILITARY, just like how it's not about controlling all of Congress. 

    If you don't care about good faith or justice or laws, then it's much easier to exploit and weaponize systems to realize your goals. If they can gum up the system enough, a small minority can seize near complete control during the deadlock. 

    We all thought there was no way for the republican party to be co-opted completely by a philandering rapist real estate failure, but here we are. Still dealing with the fallout. 

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