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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 1 minute ago, Dr Fear said:

    I believe the fire is where the electrical generation equipment is.

    Yikes, that could potentially be quite an expensive fire if there's any serious impairment of generation capacity

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 1 hour ago, blacklab said:

    Ah yes, the poll must be wrong and I am right because it happened at a particular time frame. Just like an aggy picking a certain year to go back to that suits their narrative.

    Lol you ran that poll the day after thousands of unidentified federal officers used tear gas, rubber bullets, riot claymores, and flashbangs on peaceful protesters on Lafayette Square in DC - all in the middle of the Floyd riots when it was all that the country was focusing on. You can dodge all you want, but I think it's pretty unlikely the two were unrelated. 

    You should have named the poll "Surly Safe Space: yes or no?"

    EDIT: and I'll repost here what I replied to you there then:

    The pattern of "political talk" and its moderation on this board seems to be:

    1. Notable news event occurs, example of military police attacking lawful peaceful protesters
    2. Posters discuss the current event factually
    3. Bad actor poster defends/minimizes/misrepresents the event and misstates material facts of the event
    4. Bad actor is called out for misstating facts and framing the issue as something its not
    5. Bad actor attacks along political lines
    6. Thread is shit upon
    7. Blacklab makes new thread with his own title to re-re-frame the discussion and moves posts there

    The issue isn't politics or not politics. The issue is that people can't handle a viewpoint that isn't in 100% alignment with their own, and if they disagree they shout CR and look for any possible reason to ad-hominem ignore the argument/poster.

    This poll is a bad poll. You'll get the result you want thanks to framing it as such, but its your board to run the way you see fit.

  3. 28 minutes ago, blacklab said:

    You are free to have those discussions in CR. We are not preventing you from discussing anything.

    I'm sorry we as a website can't meet your needs. 90% of the site agrees with me and would prefer news in DT and opinions in CR. There is a grey area and I and the other moderators try our best to separate those out. 

    lmfao yeah that poll during the George Floyd riots after the police murdered Floyd and lied to the country about it for months, shocked that the site wanted to ignore the summer of police love and bury the brutality that was happening across the state and in Austin at the time. 

    I gotta hand it to you, it certainly is convenient to label anything that makes you feel uncomfortable as "political" and then declare it as CR. Great strategy to poll it when you did - it's a strong datapoint to support turning off your critical thinking when moderating sensitive issues.

  4.   moving it to a more appropriate thread...

    1 hour ago, blacklab said:

    I'm not sure why you are being so obtuse. This thread is for news about this event. If you want to discuss the causes and political choices that have been made to allow this to happen you can discuss it in the cloak room. Tweets like yours above that are directly related to this are fine.

    Someone came in and posted their opinions about gun control, about making it harder to get guns, which I am 100% in favor of, but I don't want 40 posts following it of "2nd amendment", "bear arms", "definition of militia" and other shit that is universal and not tied to this. I want to come to this thread and read about news about this event, not have to wade through the exact same shit that happens on every thread relating to a gun. If I wanted to read about that I'd find the appropriate thread in CR. 

    Just seems a bit like hornsfans rules lol. "I know the team is making mistakes, but I'm tired of hearing about them so you can ONLY talk about the plays on the field. No criticism of the coaching allowed! If I wanted to hear criticisms, I'd listen to the radio. I came to this thread to read about the game stats, not read about how greg davis is not our standard."

    It's taking an active stance in your moderation to prohibit any discussion of how to prevent future tragedy. It kills any discussion in which the two sides are "maybe we should have more laws to prevent dangerous people from getting guns" and "a five minute wait to get a gun is tyranny".

    You tell me which side you really think your message board should be giving cover to. Because if you want to talk about how to not have as many kids turned into corpses, you're apparently being political and should leave?

  5. 1 minute ago, FartingMonk said:

    Getting too shady with maintenance and run until it breaks mentality.

    Thank god they aren't burdened with BUSINESS KILLING regulations and rules to prevent that sort of dangerous and unnecessary risk-taking!


    The irony though - our grid's capacity woes last week were from lack of timely maintenance on thermal generation (burning shit) and running things till they break

  6. Lol you can just say you don't want to lose your O&G job and leave it at that.

    I'm not saying we should ditch fossil fuels - I've said as much repeatedly in this thread. I'm saying we should be focusing new investment on renewables and mechanisms to make our grid more durable. I'm sure that will include some additional NG plants, but those are short-term solutions to a power supply problem that's not going to go away.

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  7. 4 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    The amount of money he apparently spent to send thousands of migrants via bus to DC was pretty ridiculous but a pittance compared to the billions he spent on the BS for-political theater to "protect" the sanctity of the border. Of course, racist, skeered Texans seem to forget that our economy depends on these people who flow easily across-and-back since they do jobs that Texans, especially white ones, don't want to do. The restaurant industry would crater in this state without them for example.

    Boy howdy just imagine how much grid maintenance we could have done with a few extra billion in funding, rather than building a shitty fence in the desert because racism

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  8. Just now, FartingMonk said:

    So what is the problem with battery storage?  What are they actually trying to achieve?

    Lol, just skip the far easier and more straightfoward solution to just interconnect to our neighbors.

    Noice Thats Nice GIF

    What are you actually hoping we do achieve? More stable power? Or fatter margins for the walled garden of private power utilities? Because by your own argument, we can either have low prices or we can have durability - don't forget that we don't get options because we live in Texas.

  9. 3 minutes ago, FartingMonk said:

    The battery problem is a lot more complex than you think and I can assure you it's not a civil engineering problem

    100% solving the problem is extremely complex. But the problem statement itself is simple.

    We need more mechanisms to store excess energy when it's being generated - OR - we need access to more markets to sell our excess energy and buy energy when we face a deficit. 

    Our problems are solely self-inflicted and exacerbated by our state-sponsored monopoly on electrical utility in the state of Texas. To your point about lobbyists, our state is designed to be bought and sold. It's the entire point of having zero regulations for anything, and no teeth to the penalties for non-compliance.

    It's also why there's multiple generations of Texans who reflexively think that we should just burn as much as possible because batteries are as complicated as cold fusion.

  10. 13 minutes ago, FartingMonk said:

    Guess what battery technology and cold fusion have in common?  That's right we haven't solved it yet.  I'm not saying not to keep trying to solve the issue.  I'm saying right now we haven't solved the issue and until we do our energy grid isn't getting any better.  We can blame Texas all we want but other states run into the same shit too.  Rolling blackouts isn't a Texas only thing.

    Guess what going to Japan and going to Mars have in common? That's right I haven't been to either yet.

    You're comparing two wildly different things with wildly different problem statements. One is a civil engineering problem, the other is discovering and mastering entire new field of physics that are still emerging as a science and technology. 

    Just because you can go "unga bunga PROBLEM!" to both doesn't mean they're equivalent in scope or scale.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, FartingMonk said:

    In regards to all of this I am simply stating right now.  As in the present day.  We have a power issue like we don't have enough.  The only logical answer at the moment is to build more natural gas plants until we can bridge the gap and let technology catch up so these 80-20 renewables ideas are actually feasible because right now it is not.  Because I can sit here and keep hoping that cold fusion is viable one day.  But until it is it isn't.  So I'll be hoping in the dark.

    We don't solve a long-term problem by just building more and more small-term, bandaid fixes in the form of gas burning plants. Eventually, we'll hit a squeeze on natgas availability and we're back to the same problem. 

    Likewise, you're making out solving battery technology to be as difficult as cold fusion. Give me a break lmao.

    Furthermore - our lack of energy is a problem of our own making! Our neighboring states have functional grids that could interconnect to ours and supply power when we're facing extreme conditions. But for the private business interests of those power utility companies that do not want to incur the cost of actually complying with real oversight and maintenance, our state is hobbled by uncertainty and rolling blackouts.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 21 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

    This is just as important now as it was in the 1930’s, the only good nazi is a dead nazi !!!

    Todays maga gqp would have been goose stepping behind the nazi flag in the 1930’s, if given the chance 

    fuck’em all !!!

    it bears remembering, the US was pretty fascist back in the 1940's. "America First" was all the rage then, and the nazis even used our own jim crow laws as the basis for their citizenship and blood laws that were the legal framework for targetting the jews and actually executing the holocaust. 

    • Like 1
  13. Just now, FartingMonk said:

    That sounds like a good idea on paper but are you sure you want that?  If you do.  You better get local FD trained up on how to deal with a runaway battery.  That's my biggest concern.  First gen battery of any type has a tendency to go BOOM.  You're talking about Hiroshima level type dentonations.  You get one you'll be NIMBYd and people will be begging for coal.

    28 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    IMO, adding a capacity market is exactly the best mechanism to improve our grid's durability if we MUST use a market-based utility model. It would give financial incentive to companies to develop safer and more efficient battery banks. I don't disagree that batteries are potentially dangerous, but my dude, we get from A to B by driving around a small box of explosions that's mere feet from a dozen gallons of explosive liquids under your kids in the back seat. There's risks in inherent to every technology, and part of advancement is mitigating those risks rather than using them to drum up FUD about how dangerous batteries are.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 11 hours ago, blacklab said:

    Those are fine, that's news about this event.

    I'm talking about people giving their opinion on gun laws as it will just turn into a debate.

    Sorry if I seem hostile towards you, I get that modding surly is some bullshit, but it's just frustrating when the rules are "you can talk about the 19 children murdered by an 18 year old with an AR15, just not how to have fewer kids get killed by an 18 year old with an AR15". I get that you don't want a policy debate in DT - that's not the right place for it - but you're ceding the floor to the idea that an 18 year old (with a history of police intervention for his violent tendencies) buying a rifle with no obstacles isn't the result of decades of focused political action and is perfectly normal

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  15. 3 minutes ago, FirstTimeCaller said:

    "See, the system works. Good guy with gun saved lives."

    "But it still ended up with four people dead for the crime of going to a shopping mall?!"

    "Now is not the time to debate policy! Four people just died!"

    "Guys I don't want this discussion about an 18 year old buying and using a rifle with no obstacles to become political, just stick to the facts or you get timeout" - BlackLab in DT covering for gun nuts

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  16. 1 hour ago, blacklab said:

    There are plenty of threads in the CR for your hot takes on gun control that no one has ever thought about or suggested. This thread is for news about this incident. 

    Just be sure to not mention the news that an 18 year old with a history of violence was easily able to acquire several AR-15's and thousands of rounds of ammo, right? Or to not mention the news that the police at every level have been lying to the public from the jump?


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  17. 15 minutes ago, FartingMonk said:

    Oh.  We are playing the money is not a factor game.   Yeah......... Okkkk

    Bruh. Building interconnects and storage isn't "money is not a factor", it's building infrastructure to service our power needs. We'd have to do that either way, it's just that you need large scale usage to have renewables make sense. 

    When Texas locks itself out of those large economies of scale by isolating it's grid from other markers we could be selling renewable energy to, but pumps shitloads of oil and gas across the borders, no fucking duh renewables "can't compete"

    • Hook 'Em 1
  18. 58 minutes ago, OU Sucks said:

    And if she forced herself to compete and hurt the team, you know the right would be all over her for being "selfish", not giving up her spot to someone else, and so on.  The common theme is "black athlete does something that the right wouldn't bat an eye at if it was a white athlete".

    None of the criticisms are ever in good faith. It's the central axiom of the modern conservative. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  19. 2 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    There will be a lot more wind this week than last week. Of course there’s a shot of something really bad happening, but if they get the wind and some scheduled gen back on, things might be fine. 

    Most days, there’s also a good shot of isolated storms during the afternoons around the Houston zone.  We’ll see. 

    It's absurd that we're relying on wind to cover for the "more reliable and durable" scheduled generation. We have the capacity to serve the demand, just not the will to pay to maintain it. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  20. 7 hours ago, Hermanator said:

    How is that different from every week before this past Thursday? 

    I think before it was a subset of the cities facing heat waves, now it's every city every day. That's going to be a bigger strain on the grid, which has already been shaky

  21. Bump. The actual news happened a few weeks ago but the reporting just now came across my feed. Yep, the principle was railroaded out because of fears of CRT. 

    StarTelegram: Grapevine-Colleyville school board member says former principal lost job because of activism

    From the article:

    A newly elected Grapevine-Colleyville school board member recently discussed reading the personnel file of former Colleyville High School principal James Whitfield, saying his activism was the “straw that broke the camel’s back ... that got him fired.” Tammy Nakamura made the comments during a school board panel discussion June 26 in Coppell. The event was sponsored by the Republican National Committee.


    As part of the settlement, Whitfield and the district agreed to resolve their disputes and not make any additional public statements.


    In the short video clip, Nakamura said, “We found out that he’s a total activist, and of course, we were branded and put on national television just like Southlake.”

    “That’s the straw that broke the camel’s back you’d want to say that got him fired,” Nakamura told the panel. She said someone got up at a school board meeting, calling for Whitfield to resign based on open records requests “showing that he was pushing a movement. ...” “But there is absolute proof of what he was trying to do,” she said.

    Nakamura told the audience that people have to “stand up” to those pushing an agenda. “We cannot have teachers such as these in our schools because they are just poison, and they’re taking our schools down,” she said.


  22. 10 hours ago, Chico_SA said:

    So its Meta Quest now right?  My youngest came home from Target telling me he is saving his money for a Meta Quest. 

    Yeah, the quest 2 is the one to get right now. $300 is a pretty awesome deal, and it makes for good birthday/Christmas gifts to give as  small upgrades like a better head strap ($35-40) or knuckle straps for the controllers ($20ish)

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