Yall remember that attempt by the hays county trumpers to ram the Biden bus off the road?
The “Trump Train” pickup truck driver who hit into a Biden-Harris volunteer’s vehicle behind the campaign’s bus on I-35 in Texas back in 2020 was the only one of several defendants found liable by a federal jury to the tune of $40,000 in a long-running Ku Klux Klan Act lawsuit.
Much of the judge’s ruling denying summary judgment recounted Cisneros’ communications before the incident and in the aftermath, including during a deposition.
The judge wrote that Cisneros “later described” that Cisneros described hitting the campaign volunteer’s car as “‘me slamming that f****r’ and ‘welcom[ing] him properly to Texas.'”
The judge also said Cisneros boasted that he was “smart enough to get the entire Biden-Harris campaign cancelled in Texas,” called the driver of the staffer vehicle “Antifa, I’m more than sure,” that he testified at a deposition he “‘pushed [the staffer] back’ and agreed that he ‘hit him,’ and that t”here was evidence he once texted co-defendant Joeylynn Mesaros asking for a custom-made “don’t make me Rittenhouse your a–” T-shirt.
Then, during a deposition, Cisneros cast himself as a savior of Texas, the judge added.
“And even during his deposition, Cisneros reflected on the success of his plan: ‘So was it a success that I kind of saved Texas from people like that, that would quit in the smallest face of adversity? I would— I would want somebody a lot stronger than that. Somebody who won’t quit,'” Pitman wrote.
The judge further said that Cisneros had just one month before the “Trump Train” incident made headlines for driving through a crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters hoping to cause “a little bit of fear.”
“Cisneros testified at his deposition that he drove into that crowd of protestors ‘just to make a statement,’ but when asked whether he knew if he put anybody in fear of being hit by his truck, he testified, ‘I hope so. I hope I instilled a little bit of fear, yeah,'” the previous ruling said.
After the Black Lives Matter incident from September 2020, Cisneros reportedly said “I didn’t want to hurt anybody” and “You know, get off the street, get on the sidewalk and protest whatever you are protesting on the sidewalk. Stay safe.”
I wonder what his surly handle is/was....