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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. AP News: A key employee says the Titan sub tragedy could have been prevented Also came out in the hearing today was a striking graph that was shared with Oceangate by Boeing engineers, the skull and crossbones was added before sharing with Oceangate to underline how unsafe their design was
  2. U.S. Attorney Handling Would-Be Trump Assassin’s Case Is a Haitian Immigrant
  3. If it was a supply chain attack, they could have just put timers into each of the pagers and make sure they're all on the same time sync. Completely undetectable when things start going boom since there's no signals to intercept
  4. IIRC, that turned out to be a busted charger that was wired wrong with a hot line wired into the ground line. Which would definitely result in an electrified vehicle. Crazy the car doesn't detect the ground fault and trip the circuit open, but that's just the tesla build quality for ya
  5. @pearlandhorn your video doesn't say what the headline says. Congratulations on being a useful idiot for cucker tarlson
  6. Bidens quote from the video: "Full vaccinated people are at a very very low risk of getting COVID-19". Fauci said "if you're vaccinated you have a very high degree of protection" Nobody in that video said what you and pearlandhorn are asserting they did. You two are simply fucking lying about it and repeating the words of a known russian disinformation agent, and seeking out the absolute worst twitter sources to confirm your biases.
  7. You getting your links from pronghorn or something? TrutherTalk sure has some interesting views lol
  8. LMFAO tucker carlson's news network is your source of truth for a straw man claim? This makes much more sense now
  9. I mean, he's doing an excellent job of validating the findings from that study lol
  10. Could you provide a specific example of your grievance? Or is it just one of those "you heard it from a friend" things? I don't recall ever hearing that it would prevent illness, perhaps serious illness
  11. Lmfao dude I'm sorry you're still mad you had to get a shot
  12. Vaccines don't prevent illness. They prevent death
  13. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41541-024-00951-8 COVID-19 vaccine refusal is driven by deliberate ignorance and cognitive distortions Vaccine hesitancy was a major challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic. A common but sometimes ineffective intervention to reduce vaccine hesitancy involves providing information on vaccine effectiveness, side effects, and related probabilities. Could biased processing of this information contribute to vaccine refusal? We examined the information inspection of 1200 U.S. participants with anti-vaccination, neutral, or pro-vaccination attitudes before they stated their willingness to accept eight different COVID-19 vaccines. All participants—particularly those who were anti-vaccination—frequently ignored some of the information. This deliberate ignorance, especially toward probabilities of extreme side effects, was a stronger predictor of vaccine refusal than typically investigated demographic variables. Computational modeling suggested that vaccine refusals among anti-vaccination participants were driven by ignoring even inspected information. In the neutral and pro-vaccination groups, vaccine refusal was driven by distorted processing of side effects and their probabilities. Our findings highlight the necessity for interventions tailored to individual information-processing tendencies.
  14. Yeah ok from that video that looks like an explosive charge was embedded into the pagers at manufacture. Damn son that's a good way to target terrorists, not carpet bombing neighborhoods
  15. jeeze that video outlining where this started is crazy and bring the receipts. There's a heartbreaking moment where the parents of the little boy who died spoke at the city meeting and said "I wish that my son, Aiden Clark, was killed by a 60 year old white man. I bet you never thought anyone would saysomething so blunt, but if that guy killed my 11 year old son, the incessant group of hate-spewing people would leave us alone."
  16. Yes, fabs have massive water treatment capacities built in. They still consume a titanic amount of water through cooling and the water purification process as they distill their own 99.999999999999999999% pure water for their fab process. And yeah, the water access problems are only going to get worse. You are correct
  17. I agree - that said, if anyone could figure out a way to do it it would be the IDF's security apparatus. Stuxnet and all that - they've got a history of finding software-exploitable hardware vulnerabilities. That is some crazy-ass footage though. Talk about precision targetting
  18. WTF? Was it a supply chain attack by Israel or something? If there's some piece of code out there that can turn a pager holding only a LION battery into a grenade, then air travel is about to get a whole lot more burdensome.
  19. It beggars belief how many organizations (that I've seen firsthand) are using a literal excel sheet regression models to steer tens to hundreds of millions of investment every day and then selling it to their board as "machine learning". They also had the help of the russian government to weaponize facebook. CA was a major part of why brexit happened, and it's been a coup d'etat against the strength of Brittain as a nation and economic powerhouse without a shot fired.
  20. Chip fabs use an astounding amount of water, and produce a dizzying amount of extremely toxic waste throughout all of the acid washes and photo resist layers. It takes a massive investment to build the front end and back end treatment so the municipal water is pure enough to use in process, and then clean of toxic chemicals enough to discharge or reuse
  21. Oh wow wouldn't you know it, energy transfer partners made billions off of the 2021 freeze when Texans were freezing to death. Thank goodness we have such friendly local businesses out there enriching our local communities (with cancer!) https://www.texasobserver.org/after-kelcy-warrens-energy-transfer-partners-made-billions-from-the-deadly-texas-blackouts-he-gave-1-million-to-greg-abbott/ Also, lulz at Rex/portahouse asserting that a natgas pipeline operator isn't an O&G firm.
  22. That and first responders, who frequently have to navigate that risk when responding to OD calls. I do wonder the feasibility of a vaccine to train your body to reject a molecule... If you could prevent an addicts brain from absorbing the opiate in the first place, it could really help to avoid a relapse and/or an OD.
  23. NYT: Sean Combs Arrested in Manhattan After Grand Jury Indictment
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