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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. Well after strangling the US trucking industry for years to squeeze out more LGU for online retail, those chickens are coming home to roost. It's not a sudden thing, truckers were getting fucked for a LOOOOOONG time. It's just that money isn't free anymore so there's fewer people willing to drive trucks that can afford the ongoing cost just to get the job
  2. something tells me the size of small business LT cap gains is several orders of magnitude smaller than the majors LT cap gains. But don't let me stop y'all from conflating cap gains taxes on 100k LT vs 100M in LT gains. It's a very honest apples to oranges comparison
  3. dude is SNL getting started early this year or something? That's just ridiculous and absurd lol. It's not even a good disguise!
  4. https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/police-raid-andrew-tates-home-romania-new-allegations-113012551 BUCHAREST, Romania -- Masked police officers in Romania carried out fresh raids early Wednesday at the home of divisive internet influencer Andrew Tate, who is awaiting trial on charges of human trafficking, rape and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women. Romania’s anti-organized crime agency, DIICOT, said it was searching four homes in Bucharest and nearby Ilfov county, investigating allegations of human trafficking, the trafficking of minors, sexual intercourse with a minor, influencing statements and money laundering. The agency added that hearings will later be held at its headquarters. Tate’s spokesperson, Mateea Petrescu, said in response to the raids that “although the charges in the search warrant are not yet fully clarified, they include suspicions of human trafficking and money laundering” and added that his legal team is present. Petrescu did not address the allegations involving minors.
  5. Literally thoughts and prayers lol. Amazing
  6. Like higher insurance rates? https://pirg.org/articles/car-companies-are-sneakily-selling-your-driving-data/
  7. Man you wouldn't believe what's available for user tracking online. If y'all aren't blocking JavaScript by default, websites can straight up record your actions in the browser as long as the tab is active with the js running. It's looney tunes. Like, my wife picked up a game on Switch again after not playing it for a few years. Then today YouTube is recommending videos about that game out of the blue to her. It's insipient and all-encompassing, there is no escape. Data has a larger market capitalization than oil. A whoooooooole shitton of that is user data and AdSense profiles tailor made and maintained to the second on every person who's ever been online. But hey it makes the internet go round and in a very real sense fuels the tech industry, so at least stonk line go up
  8. Channel Five News is on the scene Andrew Callaghan and his outfit do some crazy boots on the ground reporting. Lots of people peacefully airing their grievances, not really all that much that would constitute shipping people off to Timbuktu or Antarctica or whereverthefuck (on a round trip tho amirite fatty).
  9. The reality is that one of the best ways to remove excess funds is through taxation. It's a sink on the total money in the system. Over the last couple decades we've spent more and more, which adds more money to the system, while reducing the total money being removed from the system. It's not just a matter of spending less - there must be some system to remove the money. There's an absurd level of idle cash that's been siphoned up and accumulating interest or demanding quarterly returns, while providing no macroeconic value but exerting inflationary pressure nonetheless
  10. Icono is that you? What's your opinion on tailored jerseys?
  11. TBH the largest demo getting recurring prescriptions is almost certainly olds. When my wife or I have a prescription it's for a temporary thing, and we'd much prefer the in person pharmacy for speed of service. When my grandma gets her arthritis meds, she's been going to the same Costco pharmacy for a decade and by God she ain't gonna change now.
  12. I've got some prime beachfront property in Colorado you may be interested in
  13. Yeah a Rogue Squadron series set during the New Republic era would be allsome
  14. Different markets, priorities, and cultural uses for the gas station convenience store. Like, I don't think 7/11 is gonna pay their American employees enough to give a shit about delivering on all the fancy things, and their customers won't have the extra spending money to splurge on the fancy ramen
  15. Convenience stores in Japan are fuckin NUTS. They're trying to bring some of that ethos to the US market. I don't think it's gonna go well for them lol
  16. If they're using real page to coordinate and collude on raising rents, then it's still a corporate set rate. This would be true if we weren't in the middle of a significant housing shortage and failure to recover our building rate after 2008. And there was a real run of corporate buyers back when money was cheap that are now sitting on mountain of inventory that they're seeking rents on Yes, AND we shouldn't be allowing single family homes to build corporate wealth instead of single family wealth.
  17. lol putin getting a "death of stalin" treatment would be pretty funny
  18. Well, they can continue to stymie efforts to build out more transmission capacity, effectively stranding that power. And they also changed the ERCOT rules to make it uneconomical to run battery storage (you're penalized for discharging, effectively), so it really amplifies one of the weaknesses of renewables. They're not gonna go down without a fight, that's for damn sure.
  19. When you're getting graded on it as classwork seems like a pretty bright red line to me
  20. Captainant

    3D Printing

    Bump - with a baby now there's all sorts of organizers and things that are hard to find that are just right. I spent a couple hours over the weekend a CAD'ed up a little 9 bottle organizer for our clean and ready to use baby bottles. Took about 9 hours to print and used about 460gr of PETG ($10 in material, effectively) https://www.printables.com/model/979584-baby-bottle-caddy
  21. It's wild how the system is such that if you're big enough you can win by default through burying the opposition, or delay things indefinitely so they they never actually face a consequence. It's unfortunate that the patent system is so commonly used to fight innovation and competition, and it's exploited to steal once you're big enough
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