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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. It's almost like he's using it as a disinformation platform, or something
  2. Well the government doing it doesn't result in increased shareholder profits sooooooo
  3. I mean, making a can is insanely easy nowadays if you don't care about your dog getting shot. With 3D printing, or even just press forming sheet metal, you can make baffles with very very little effort. It's not like mufflers are classified technology
  4. This is the evil of the profit maximizing healthcare industry. """Customers""" do not have any sort of leverage and are often literally a captive market with nowhere else to go. UHG and their contemporaries exist for no purpose but to deny care and skim off premiums. Bunch of fucking social leeches.
  5. My comment was broadly about the leadership and decision making that brought them to their current state - but your obsession is noted. By the way, congrats on posting about me multiple times without using a slur!
  6. He's aggy. He doesn't understand much
  7. Yeah honestly the biggest differentiator between chip firms has been the software - even AMD has recently announced that their focus will be on software rather than hardware. Nvidia's work on not just researching new fields of mathematics but building in hardware implementations to solve those systems is the biggest part of why they OWN the AI space. And then with the software layer it becomes very very difficult to move off of a NV platform once you've utilized some of their built in optimizations. Hey man, it's what their highly paid consultants suggested they do! It's not the board's fault the strategy didn't work
  8. Just like how trump had no chance of winning, yeah?
  9. Dumb money is back on the menu, boys! Quick, dump your worthless crap on all the rubes!
  10. Well the strategy of eating their seed stock is really working out great for them, scout. I'm sure you can find a FRED chart to explain it. Sorry I'm not perfect to every detail, please forgive my trespass into your domain oh great and wealthy and mighty seer of the finance bro
  11. Can anyone do a wellness check on Pronghorn? https://www.devx.com/daily-news/fbi-disrupts-russian-ai-bot-farm-spreading-ukraine-disinformation/ The FBI, in collaboration with international partners, has seized control of a Russian-owned artificial intelligence-driven social media bot farm that spread propaganda on platforms like X (formerly Twitter). The bot farm was developed by Russia’s state-run RT News Network and operated by Moscow’s Federal Security Service using AI. The Russian state-sponsored actors used the covert Meliorator software to benefit Moscow’s agenda.
  12. Boy if this is the off-season of trump47, it's gonna be a clown fiesta donkey show come gametime. Like, Tim Beck bad
  13. Yeah, the lesson they learned from Watergate wasn't to keep their noses clean, but rather to control the message more effectively to prevent the public from turning. They've been wildly successful.
  14. If anyone is wondering what lessons we can learn from South Korea's abortive coup attempt, and how they might apply to the US, here's the MyPillow guy at the White House in late 2020 calling for martial law in the name of national security Notably, Kash Patel to the CIA was one of the moves on his play sheet that was photographed. He's gonna be leading the FBI to do all the domestic dirty work
  15. "You're SURE they're not your guys?" "Da." BRRRRTTTTTT
  16. From the AP reporting, they're drawing some pretty clear parallels between them and us: Yoon — whose approval rating has dipped in recent months — has struggled to push his agenda against an opposition-controlled parliament since taking office in 2022. Yoon’s conservative People Power Party had been locked in an impasse with the liberal opposition Democratic Party over next year’s budget bill. The opposition has also been attempting to pass motions to impeach three top prosecutors, including the chief of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office, in what the conservatives have called a vendetta against their criminal investigations on Lee, who has been seen as the favorite for the next presidential election in 2027 in opinion polls. Yoon has also been dismissing calls for independent investigations into scandals involving his wife and top officials, drawing quick, strong rebukes from his political rivals. The Democratic Party reportedly called an emergency meeting of its lawmakers following Yoon’s announcement
  17. It's just incredible that incredulity wanted to donate to the Karen Klub when prompted for a charitable cause, that's possibly one of the funnier things he's ever done
  18. Ah that makes sense - defintely some lessons to learn for program scheduling and infrastructure alignment. But even then, it's surprising they couldn't even get a 480p "SD" stream out to their various edge nodes. Those transcodes are relatively small and lightweight, it makes me wonder where else they had bottlenecks in their pipeline to slow down origination of the different resolution streams, before even getting to propogation. I haven't really looked for any post-mortems on the event, are there any you'd recommend? I'm mainly going off of what peers of mine have mentioned in conversation
  19. Really cute and fun first episode, haven't seen the second one yet. It oozes 80s coming of age vibes. Great Easter eggs here and there
  20. RFK Jr will protect our precious fluids
  21. IMO this board seems like they're mad they missed the AI boat, and they fired Gelsinger because he wasn't able to move mountains and fix Intel's old woes around process stagnation. They ate the seed stock a decade plus ago when they stopped improving node processes and just did 14nm+++++ to keep R&D costs low so they could continue to fund buybacks and dividends. Things were great, until they weren't. Now Intel is chasing AMD's innovations and their heavily capitalized fabs are a millstone around their necks
  22. It's a personal choice to sell pathogen carrying milk! For context, we have already been observing bird flu in raw milk bound for shelves https://apnews.com/article/bird-flu-raw-milk-kennedy-7950cb5eb3b642f0cc74c2d29254bedb
  23. Hot new token about to hit! https://cryptobriefing.com/enron-crypto-expansion/
  24. Ah fair enough, he tried to stop the trend of buybacks when he took the helm in 2021 - and he got punished for it. But it's not the technical folks driving the ship at Intel, and it hasn't been for pretty much the whole 21st century Edit: and that he's been pushed out effective immediately tells me this was not a planned or coordinated exit. Dude got axed
  25. He's just an MBA trying to run a complicated chip company! You cant expect him to make long term decisions for the good of the company - HES A SHAREHOLDER GODDAMNIT! They've gotta get paid! That's why Intel bought back billions in their own shares instead of investing in their process, and had to beg for corporate welfare Shareholder supremacy tends to rot a company away
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