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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll
  2. If you're sitting at home without power, just remember that Centerpoint made $6,000,000,000 in profit last year alone. Thank goodness for our business friendly state! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deregulation_of_the_Texas_electricity_market#:~:text=The wholesale generation market was,with generators across the state CP also spent more on lobbying last year than they paid in taxes https://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2018/10/19/houston-utility-takes-no-2-spot-for-lobbying.html https://www.city-journal.org/article/after-hurricane-beryl-houston-is-sweltering https://www.forbes.com/sites/chrisbarth/2011/12/14/29-companies-that-paid-millions-for-lobbying-and-didnt-pay-taxes/
  3. We can't let them woke the grid! We let them put renewables on and now it's all gone to shit!! [/oilbaron]
  4. /r/Houston to the rescue again with a color remap for readability
  5. That's like saying letting mussolini or hitler take power was fine because there was a longer game to resolve the conflict. Sometimes we WANT to avoid the longer game becauses of the costs required to play it.
  6. I mean, have you seen the evangelical child rape thread in DT? They fuckin LOVE and protect rapists on the reg
  7. What the fuck am I gonna be able to do about it? Call my fuckin senator or Congressperson? Again? Write them a letter they won't reply to for 8 fucking months? They ain't listening unless you're holding capital and handing some to them. Am I gonna go get a different power company? Can't. What is one mechanism accessible to me to meaningfully hold centerpoint and the state of Texas accountable?
  8. The night sisters and other force witches have done that before, IIRC. But I can't disagree with your post. The show runners blew a really great opportunity to add a lot of missing depth to the lore. We got a crappy YA novel, not a dark tale of the sith
  9. Rate raises for customers and higher dividends for shareholders, mostly
  10. Just a few days after a bunch of Texas municipalities are complaining that cryptomining companies are coming in and exploiting their overly permissive regulations to batter them with significant noise and power draw issues. Lots of faces getting eaten by leopards lately. But at least we're the most business friendly state amirite
  11. It seems like the cop on the scene opened another case file to segment off all of this evidence, and the prosecutor hung their hat on "it doesn't look like anything at all to me" when they had to ascertain if the two were linked. The kicker is gonna be that the armorer has a very viable appeal path now that key evidence in HER trial was intentionally withheld. What a complete clown fiesta
  12. The case against Baldwin has been dismissed with prejudice due to the prosecution withholding evidence NYT gift link: ‘Rust’ Case Against Alec Baldwin Is Dismissed Over Withheld Evidence TLDR - the prosecution had exculpatory evidence that was uncovered in court and the judge put the prosecutor on the stand to answer for his fuck up. Like out of a damn movie
  13. This storm hitting across I-10 is nuts. Really intense rain and lightning but only 20mph winds. I can't imagine it's helping speed up repairs. Also driving in my area of spring branch I saw quite a few lines down across the road, and a few lines up in the air held by tension with pole heads still attached
  14. I mean, presidential call logs are public records so it's all pretty verifiable. If she's lying it's gonna be apparent very quickly
  15. Re: when was disaster aid requested timeline https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/politics/2024/07/11/493282/harris-county-judge-lina-hidalgo-responds-to-claims-from-acting-governor-dan-patrick-that-she-did-not-request-aid-for-the-county/?amp=1 “It feels a little silly to be talking about this right now, but I was on the phone with the President twice yesterday morning and he was reaching out, really alarmed that he was unable to reach the state leaders in order to get that request for disaster declaration,” she said. “
 [Biden] was concerned about that, and I said, ‘Well, why don’t you give Dan Patrick a call directly?’ and so he did, and he called me back, and he said, ‘Yeah, he’s gonna sign it.'”
  16. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/oligarch "one of a class of individuals who through private acquisition of state assets amassed great wealth that is stored especially in foreign accounts and properties and who typically maintain close links to the highest government circles" I mean, they meet the definition pretty closely except for the part about russia. And even then some of them meet that part too lmao
  17. It's almost like "billionaire" is just a more palatable way of saying "oligarch", or something
  18. And yet, their stock is still more valuable their their next several competitors COMBINED
  19. In light of the Chevron ruling, do you REALLY think the supremes will let Biden accomplish anything through his agencies? I feel it's more likely that alito and thomas lean even harder into obstructionism to sling shit at the (D) administration
  20. Lulz nothing funnier than someone with a 6 year old phone with blue bubbles telling everyone else their phone is shitty (at least that's the people I know IRL that are gung ho about bubble color)
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