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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 18 hours ago, 4th_and_18 said:

    Apparently the band changing their pregame to that shit show pushed the flag out of the picture. I’m trying to get more details from APO friends. No more Eyes of Texas giant Texas flag waving if the band director has his way.

    LHB Alum here. The LHB director, Scott Hanna, is a politician of a director. He's completely out of touch with what a good gameday experience is and thinks that playing the chest thump thing a dozen times in a row, ala boomer sooner, constitutes good UT football gameday music. He write shit marching shows that are all squiggly bullshit that look like nothing and he builds the student leadership of LHB to be a bunch of "yes" men and women validating every ill-thought out idea he has. He was the one of the least fun parts of being in LHB for 5 years, and the band has only gotten stodgier and more boring since he became the head director a couple years ago.

    And since he plays the politics game so much he's not going anywhere. It's infuriating to see him turn what should a be a loud, fun, energetic group into a repetitive, demure, clapping section. Anything and all the chants the bad does that are "problematic" like "make em eat shit" and "OU sucks" or "Lubbock sucks" and some of the more raunchy chants all had the kibosh put on them under threat of docking grade points.

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  2. 9 hours ago, Vince_McCoy_Williams said:

    This is so fucking racist. Get a clue. 

    TIL it's racist to say that white men may have different life experiences than non-white folks which may lead to different values and decision making processes. Heaven forbid the uppity minorities have representation that aligns with their values. 

  3. It's impressive how y'all have managed to derail this thread so badly when there's hard evidence out there that kavanaugh perjured himself and has a criminal complaint and an ethics complaint filed against him. And Leahy called kavanaugh out today saying that he lied under oath and on the record. 

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  4. Is anyone else experiencing a weird issue where when you enter "surlyhorns.com" into your browser's URL field and hit enter, you're getting redirected to "http://www.surlyhorns.com:81/board/"? WTF is this port 81 shit? If I click on any board hotlinks from there it retains the port 81 on the URL, but if I click on the "Surly Horns" in the top left corner it finally directs me to "http://www.surlyhorns.com/board/". I'm using the "no avatar" theme if that makes any difference.

    Plz fix. This is annoying as hell.

  5. Holy shit, lindsay graham is basically complaining that the supreme court can overrule an unconstitutional law? He dislikes the judicial review of the legislative branch? Or is he angling that stare decisis is too powerful? Either way, he's arguing that our system shouldn't have judicial review. That's fucking astounding. He's just said that it's wrong that a panel of judges can overrule a duly ratified law. And NOW he's invoking 9/11?? Holy fuckballs this is dystopia central

  6. Huh. Seems like Graham is giving up the ghost on whether or not Trump committed an indictable offense in his line of questioning to Kavanaugh. And interestingly, he's doubling down on not knowing that the break-in happened back in the mid-2000's. And jesus christ, he's going hard on the roe v wade issue and it's making kavanaugh giggly-uncomfortable. "Is there anything in the constitution that says we can't outlaw abortion??" Jesus christ, graham is arguing that the court should be limiting the liberty concept of the constitution? Or am I misunderstanding?

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