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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. On 8/28/2018 at 3:44 AM, Fudge Nuggets said:

    My degenerate Las Vegas style trading account is riddled with tickers in the portfolio that end in 'Q' - as mentioned above it would cost more to sell them than what they are worth.  Thankfully I understand I can't trade / invest for shit and use that particular account for "entertainment purposes" only.  Only the most vile, toxic waste pieces of shit are bought and I'll dabble in the 3x leveraged ETFs from time to time as well.

    The real retirement account is safely locked away where I just put a set amount into a stock index fund every month and forget about it.

    Ah yes, but what about options on 3x leveraged ETFs? That's some galaxy-brain level stuff

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, GW Hayduke said:

    To translate: fans should give the coaching staff heat for the performance of our offense. Herm is asking that that criticism go to the appropriate place since most fans don’t understand the inner workings of our offense.

    How about, our offense actually be capable of closing out a game without a heartbreaking turnover and then I'll stop bitching.

  3. 47 minutes ago, Ted Lange said:


    I actually called Cornyn and Cruz's offices this morning to ask if they had any public statements on the Cohen news. Cruz's office was predictably limp wristed and noncommital to do any sort of oversight, but Cornyn's office stopped just short of saying that he would endorse and support a committee investigation into Cohen's claims. I think Cornyn is starting to feel some heat and get a little pissed. Cruz can DIAF and EABOD 

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

    Is it even either/or, or hasn’t he basically done all of the above at this point?   I honestly don’t remember, but didn’t the actual payment come from one of the companies that would have been bound by the contribution limits, AND it was all orchestrated as a conspiracy by Trump and Cohen in violation of election law?

    It's a fucking spaghetti bowl of liability since trump used shell companies to conceal the payments. Were the payments personal funds of trump since he's effectively used those shell companies as piggie banks? Or were they just corporate funds? Either way it appears to have been orchestrated by trump and cohen as a conspiracy to violate federal campaign finance law.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Ted Lange said:

    If Trump paid for the hush money out of his own pocket, that isn’t illegal, right? An individual can donate as much as they want to their own campaign.   The not reporting it is the illegal part? What sort of penalty is there for not reporting it? 

    Or am I missing a bunch of stuff?

    It depends. If the contribution was through the trump org, they would be violating the maximum individual contribution for a corporate entity since it was direct and not laundered through a PAC. If it was a personal contribution, it would be a reporting issue. Typically those are handled with fines as they're typically just an honest failure to report. In this case it's not that hard to show intent to hide the payment, which increases the severity of the violation. And further, conspiring with another party(ies) constitutes a conspiracy charge.

    So the individual action itself may not be a huge issue, but the coverup and lies about it are really where they get fucked.

  6. 12 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

    Holy shit this Trump interview. Jesus dude lol

    You talking about this one?


    seems like he doesn't understand that paying for a campaign expense from personal funds without reporting the expenditure IS in fact a campaign finance violation. Isn't this straight up an admission of guilt?

    • Like 3
  7. I think it's sort of ridiculous to expect any extremely large group of people to all be perfect people. Hell, put together an entire class of University of Texas grads and I'm sure that you'll have a couple rapists and murderers. Doesn't mean the entire group should be discounted unless you're looking for any reason to discount an entire class of people 

  8. 5 minutes ago, SA-KC_Horn said:

    If there's going to be any throwback talk, should include the greatness of the 2012 Alamo Bowl tailgate.

    Aw man that was the best, I got nice and toasted at the tailgate then marched pregame drunk. Damn good BBQ too.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Bevo VIII said:

    Doesn’t he still have other outstanding charges that he has to go to trial for?

    If the prosecution chooses to go to a new trial he will. I really hope they do just to keep turning the screws on him.

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