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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 2 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Who owns the copyright on that?

    Since SHS said that trump's tweets are official statements by the president, I'd imagine there's no copyright as it's a public statement.

  2. 1 minute ago, jimmyjazz said:

    That makes sense.  There are still the state courts (to whatever degree charges can be brought).

    Does a pardon for a Federal offense remove the ability to plead 5A at the state level?

    I think that is an area of case law that is about to be fleshed out. There haven't really been any test cases like this before where the chief executive is actively trying to undermine the justice system.

  3. 1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    There are a shitload of complications if Trump pardoned Cohen.

    Things like Cohen’s ability to plead the 5th in testimony that might also incriminate the president.

    Sure, but what if trump just pardons cohen from contempt of court charges for not testifying? It'd be a genuine constitutional crisis.

  4. Definitely need a mic upgrade for both of yall, something like a a snowball or something, I've got a spare Blue Yeti mic in Houston that I'd be happy to get to one of yall. Any plans of getting this listed on iTunes and other podcast platforms? If yall don't wanna fuck with the upkeep for keeping it up to date on podcast listings I'd be happy to toss my hat in on the technical side to help out so it's easier to find.

    Great stuff though for an opening podcast! 

  5. 23 minutes ago, Chrispy said:

    I’m a Republican, deal with it Dad. 


    playing partisan politics over our nation's best interests isn't a good long-term strategy my dude. Especially when your party is led by a grifter in the convulsions of mental decline.

  6. 22 minutes ago, Orca of Peace said:

    so why does a parade, which may last only 5 or 6 hours,  cost more than $20 mil anyway? WTF are they purchasing?

    turns out moving a shitload of military hardware and personnel, then driving said hardware on civilian roads not designed for tanks and troop carriers to be driven on it can be expensive.

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  7. 21 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Good.  Once you separate from your government position you should not have access to classified government materials. 

    You're right, there's no way that Intel agencies may want to read someone back into an operation they used to lead for guidance and advice. It's not like they can just access any information for funsies, you know that right? Having the clearance just let's them be read in if the people currently in the agency wish it. 

  8. 23 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    He should have been.  That's a serious issue with blackmail/security clearances.  I saw a couple of people booted out of the Army for adultery, and granted, the military has stricter laws on adultery, but a security clearance played into one of them.

    That doesn't matter. He was fired for holding a 1A protected political belief.

  9. 19 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Big caveat here -- when you have a security clearance, that sort of thing can ABSOLUTELY be a disqualifier.  Not because of what it says about you morally, etc., but because it can be a point of LEVERAGE that a hostile party can use against you.

    "Drop the investigation of Bob Bad Guy, or we'll tell your wife you're cheating on her.  We have pictures, Agent.  You know what you need to do."

    Compromising information is the problem.  You're not going to be compromised by dating someone.  You CAN be compromised by cheating on your wife (presuming that you intend to hide it from her).  Being in a compromising situation can disqualify you from your high-level-clearance position.

    I definitely understand this angle, but that doesn't appear to be the case in Strzok's firing. Trump has said publicly that he fired Strzok for saying mean things about him. They could have hidden behind a reasonable justification like that for firing him, but that's not what the chief executive is saying.

  10. 22 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Actually, the IG considered only Strzok's behavior as directly related to the Clinton investigation.  It didn't even mention the fact that he was porking the other feeb.

    FWIW, I don't think it's against FBI policy (or federal employee conduct codes) to date another agent. There are concerns if it's a supervisor/employee situation or if there are financial implications to the relationship, but it's not generally a problem. Is it poor taste to cheat on your wife to bang a coworker? Absolutely. Is it a fireable offense? Not typically.

  11. 21 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Using the phrases in a timely manner and fiscally responsible when you're talking about civil servants is not what I'd call related topics.

    haha fair enough. I more mean that by creating more churn in agencies and governmental orgs, you're only worsening their ability to take care of their duties in a timely and fiscally responsible manner.

  12. 26 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    That's great.  My point is that in the private sector railing your coworkers, misusing company property, and talking shit about your potential boss doesn't usually end well. Apparently if you are an FBI agent you get a pass on all that cause 1A. 

    Like most things, you're muddying the waters again.

    All public employees enjoy that right because they should not have to worry about privately held partisan affiliation or opinions while working for the public interest. Because otherwise all our public services from education to sanitation to government agencies  would be subject to partisan approval and removal. Which generally isn't good for making sure those jobs get done in a timely and fiscally responsible manner.

  13. 18 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Then I would apparently be a government employee. 

    Then your "what if" analogy doesn't really matter with regard to how Strzok was fired and you're just trying to muddy the water in the face of someone's 1A rights are being infringed?

  14. 39 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    This.  Any of us working in the private sector caught texting disparaging remarks about candidates on the short list for CEO to a coworker that they were having an affair with via their company phone would be out on their ass. Shit.  Pick one of the three and you might be out on your ass, but all three. Come on.  

    What if the independent inspector general for your public sector job did a thorough review of your actions, recommended a punishment, assured you that you would retain your job there, and then you were fired several weeks later for transparently political reasons and as punishment for political beliefs?

    Sure would be a shame if political beliefs were affirmed as being protected under the 1A by the supreme court a couple years ago. But no you're right, this is completely acceptable for the trump admin to be trampling on somebody's first amendment rights. Trump's admin did nothing wrong, as is always the case apparently.

  15. Unrelated to funding, but I can't imagine you wouldn't have some cost savings moving to cloud rather than physically hosted servers. And you'll have better durability and availability for the site. 

    Also, in for $5/mo. I dig the idea of reinvesting any extra cash back into the site/community but not going full sellout mode. 

    Definitely make some surly merch though. Good way for people to support the site and get something tangible. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

    What is your opinion of intelligence officers who lie to congress about the wide scale collection of the communication data of law abiding Americans?

    Not that you're wrong about the near complete removal of the 4th amendment in the digital era, BUT, this is another great example of you trying to deflect just how insanely compromised the trump admin is. Stop trying to protect them. They're traitors. Acting like you're the big brain smart guy in the middle just allows the overton window to move even further to the extreme far right. 

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