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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 22 minutes ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    Snowden is a traitor. He committed a treasonous act by releasing the information that he did. His betrayal to this country and the trust placed in him when he was granted his security clearance is unforgivable.

    Snowden blew the whistle on gross 4th amendment violations and a government that was (and still does) target it's own citizenry with warrantless searches. Trump is a traitor and piece of shit, but Snowden at least put the American people's interest ahead of his own. 


    His actions since whistleblowing are absolutely playing into Putin's hands, but I don't hold it against him that he divulged what he did

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Dahobbs said:

    I like Mint.com for that purpose. Let's you track everything in real time. Some will not like it because it aggregates all your financial information (and they sort of sell it to send you deals). But, the ability to really see where your money is going is really key to cutting back spending and following a budget. And the fact that I can catch any irregular transaction almost instantly is also really nice.

    As to your son, at least he was investing? Get him to decrease that to $25 a week (and invest in broad index funds, not individual stocks) and it doesn't seem so bad. Might even be good. 

    +1 for mint. I tried to go the excel sheet route, but it was a beating keeping it up to date. It's gone a long way to keep me aware of how much I'm spending and what my habits are so I can adjust and actually plan

  3. Just now, clapclapclap said:

    So you think 4-6% is high?



    Fixed vs. Variable


    7/1/1987 to 9/30/1992


    12M T-Bill + 3.1%, cap 11%

    11/1/1982 to 6/30/1987



    10/1/1981 to 10/30/1982



    1/1/1981 to 9/30/1981



    Cost of college increased 260% while inflation only pushed CPI 120%. The state used to fund a far greater portion of public universities. Those costs are now being passed on to students. A higher interest rate is bad, but it's not so terrible when your principle amount is less than half of what it would be today. Nevermind that wage growth is effectively stagnant over the last couple decades, further undermining the ability of student borrowers to pay off their education debt.

    • Like 1
  4. Also worth noting that Trump met with Butina weeks after he announced his campaign and talked about ending sanctions. 


    I'm no fan of motherjones so here's the primary source of the info

    And this is a pretty good timeline of events involving Butina


  5. Just now, 4th&Five said:

    CNN just read Ryan’s entire statement. It’s actually much harsher than I would have expected from that pussy. 

    I haven't seen it yet, was he "extremely concerned"?

  6. 1 minute ago, ScottishHorn said:

    Well i didn't watch it but it apparently triggered the twitter brigade

    You didn't watch but you won't let that stop you from deciding that everyone is overreacting. Seems like that's trump support in a nutshell.

    • Like 5
  7. 28 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    I think that you should take that up with the poster who brought her into the current discussion, or the poster that felt obligated to defend her honor when someone made a joke at her expense when she was brought up.  If you don't want to talk about Hillary, strop bringing her up. 

    Naw just pointing out your ongoing pattern of only ever saying negative things about the dems and at best only saying #bothsides. Your strange infatuation with being in the middle is really just being a trump apologist which is disappointing since you used to be capable of complex thought

  8. 3 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    She should have campaigned in MI, WI, and PA.

    But twatting requires much less effort (but more than twat spamming).


    You're right. We should focus on a failed presidential candidate and not on the president that's actively undermining relations with our allies while buddying up with a hostile foreign power that interfered in his election to his benefit. 

    • Like 2
  9. 59 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    What about that post, or more generally on separation topic, represents me making excuses for trump co?

    Hmmm, Anastasis points out that some of the tweets propogated to the shaggy by the twatters precisely mimic Russian active measures tactics.

    Fascist traitor!


    Try harder Ant. 

    I'll echo what hayden said so well before...

    On 6/18/2018 at 8:57 PM, hayden_horn said:

    here's why so many of your posts ring hollow. maybe you don't realize it, so i'm kind of going to give it a try.

    you are obviously against the separation of families, at least it seems. however, your step forward in sentence one of paragraph one. the rest of your post delves into a weird hypothetical because, for some reason, you think that the constant criticism of trump is unwarranted, because no matter what happens people are going to freak out.


    people are freaking out because of the outrageous shit. THIS ISSUE is an example of "the real deplorable shit that needs to be confronted head on."

    and what you do with posts like yours, even if you aren't #bothsides, is legitimize the both sides. when you should be decrying in the loudest and most powerful terms, you still equivocate because some people are shrill about some things. it ruins you as a poster a bit, because we all know you're a smart guy. you just don't seem to want to take a stance, instead trying to be critical of the critics. it's strange.

    You tend to want to always be in the middle and play this game of relative morals. Like what's happening right now is perfectly normal and there's no reason to act alarmed and distrust all the actions of this administration. Not like Trump has a history taking advantage of norms for personal gain and skirting the law and lying and defrauding folks right? No, no, we should definitely just act like he's a completely different person with a completely different history now that they've bamboozled an entire fucking nation into voting him to president. He always deserves the benefit of the doubt and the most gracious reading of policies and hiring/firing/pardoning decisions. You're right. There's no way that could really come to fuck our nation for decades if not generations.

    Nope, no way that alienating our closest neighbor that we share a border with could ever come to really REALLY fuck us if some global conflict broke out. No way that acting in such a way that gets your country denounced for human rights violations by the UN could possibly make our foreign interests and servicepersons less safe. No way that actively on a daily basis could shit talking your nations third largest trading partner turn out to really fuck us in the tits if a trade war came?

    Fuck off with taking every opportunity to call out missteps and errors by the left's tactics while glossing over that OUR PRESIDENT IS IMPRISONING CHILDREN IN OUR GODDAMN STATE IN OUR GODDAMN NAME. And he doesn't even want due process for them. Even if they may scoop up a few citizens.

    • Like 2
  10. 5 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Lol at the neg rep butt hurt.  The tweet fits precisely the profile of a Russian bot account, tying together two politically charged topics to stoke division and discord. 

    More just tired of you making excuses and dismissing trump and co's behavior for whatever flimsy piece of justification you can muster.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

    You all give Trump too much credit for having reasons for the pardon. His only agenda is himself. Someone who he thinks he will benefit from in some way said he should pardon them so he did.  There's no thought or rationale. Either Hannity, another one of his lackeys, or someone that he wants to owe him wanted him to do it. 

    Sure there may not be thought or rationale behind trump's decision to pardon someone, likely due to his inability to understand complex concepts, but the folks whispering in his ear sure as hell do. Trump is a useful idiot for the extreme right wing, the only place you'll find meaning for his actions is in how it benefits fox or breitbart or any of those far right bodies.

    • Like 1
  12. Trump admin is detaining and separating citizen families for the crime of being brown.



    U.S. officials at the southern border may have taken a child of a U.S. citizen into custody, administration lawyers revealed Tuesday.

    In a court filing to give an update on efforts to reunite families, lawyers for the Department of Justice (DOJ) said the administration is unable to determine if the child was separated from the parent, and the government hasn’t been able to locate the parent for more than a year.

    The child is under the age of 5, according to the filing. Officials did not give any other details about the child or the parent's potential whereabouts.

    One child “cannot be reunified at this time because the parent’s location has been unknown for more than a year,” the filing said. “Defendants are unable to conclusively determine whether the parent is a class member, and records show the parent and child might be U.S. citizens.”


    The Trump administration separated the families as part of its “zero tolerance” strategy to criminally prosecute all immigrants who cross the U.S.-Mexico border illegally, including those who are seeking asylum.

    Good job trumpsters defending a president who is arresting citizens who are guilty of nothing but being brown. And these are just the ones we're hearing about. 

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