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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 1 minute ago, Rimbo said:

    I get where you're coming from here, but you need to realize that "fake news" from the likes of CNN is itself fake. Fake news definitely exist (cf Facebook feeds), but ... Let's just say that those who still remain faithful to Trump and his blather aren't going to be rewarded for their loyalty.

    I'm not a trumper or a fake news person. Honestly. Please don't confuse my frustration with coverage of gun violence with thinking that all news (or news that I don't like) is fake. I fucked up in making the posts that I did and I deserve to get shit on for it, but please don't let that post be the only thing you base your opinion of me off of.

    • Like 2
  2. 6 minutes ago, Dark Horse said:

    Confirmation of what? They’re interviewing witnesses giving testimony of what happened. That’s what the news does.

    ABC, CBS and CNN have reported that "police confirm shooting" as the headline and in the article it states that "police confirm they sent officers to the scene", not that they confirmed a shooting. They're pushing the story of a shooting without actual confirmation, which I think is irresponsible and part of the reason everyone is so fucking scared of any loud noise and leads to more false alarms. 

    I HOPE this is just a false alarm and that nobody's kid is hurt, and if a shooting did occur I'm glad there has been such a fast response. But fuck me for being frustrated with the news representing unconfirmed reports as confirmed reports, right?

  3. 2 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    If kids are telling police that they’ve seen a shooter and people shot, I don’t see a problem with the media reporting the story. Now maybe it’s not true but do you think parents shouldn’t be informed until dead kid are being wheeled out.       

    Not at all, but I think it's irresponsible for national news channels to blast the story and interview children who just left the school before there's any sort of confirmation. 

  4. My dad's mom has Alzheimer's, he has Parkinson's and early onset dementia, and I am fucking scared of what I'll have to deal with when I start getting older. T&P to y'all who have to help family through it as well. 

    Also, do any of y'all know of a life insurance policy or something I could start investing in now to protect my future family and soon to be wife from crippling medical bills? By far that's been the toughest thing for my parents 

  5. Exactly. There's kids saying they heard a shot but there's no confirmation from police or authorities that it was anything more a car backfiring or a pallet being dropped. Kids are so whipped up into a frenzy that they'll think any loud noise is a gunshot. It's getting ridiculous

    I'm a piece of shit and spoke before information was in. My apologies and I'll try to do better. Tragedies shouldn't be made light of.

    • Fuck You 2
  6. 2 hours ago, phdhorn said:

    Wow, who knew that New Mexico had schools?

    They're actually between Houston and Galveston lol. 


    But yeah, reading news coverage, I haven't seen any actual reports of people injured. Just lots of adults scrambling and clutching pearls and scaring kids without anything actually happening. CNN is pushing it as the lead story without any confirmed reports and they're talking to a mom that's freaking out because of what she saw on the news. 


    Fucking news is whipping everyone into a frenzy before there's any real confirmation just because they know it gets clicks and eyeballs. 


    For fucks sake, there's a Life flight and paramedics there for what may be much Ado about nothing. It's so goddamn frustrating

    I'm a piece of shit and spoke before information was in. My apologies and I'll try to do better. Tragedies shouldn't be made light of.

    • Haha 1
    • Fuck You 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Shouldn’t all that IT lead to a lot more efficiencies with staff?  Baker Botts spends a lot more on IT than they did in 1985. And a lot less on secretaries, typing and copies.  Instead of one secretary per lawyer, it is 5 lawyers sharing one secretary. 

    I used to work for UT ITS. It's as efficient as any other state run agency. It's rife with politics and idiots who are in charge who don't know an IP address from their asshole. Where there's politics and career advancement at stake, you can be sure there's a whole lotta budget fuckery to "protect their people" or to take scalps to justify some pie in the sky project that was sold to them over drinks

  8. 1 minute ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Hasn’t the cost of tech dropped?  A lot of shit that was expensive in 85 can be bought cheap now. 

    Yes, but the new cutting edge shit is still expensive. Except TI calculators somehow... Those fuckers are still crazy expensive for being less capable than an arduino

  9. Lol yeah the conservative hack wants to put limits on legislative fuckery after the GOP caused hell for the previous Democrat administration (blocking judges and other appointments) and before they get swept out of office in the midterms. Fucking hypocrite, go get your doughnut box

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  10. 1 minute ago, Pods said:

    What do you call it when you've spent the last couple hours thinking about a smoking .38 special you saw and then someone shows you an empty ICBM silo with scorch marks and flaming grass around the hole? It's going to have the word Trump in it from now on. 

    Dude you should lay off the hard shit lol. You're getting a little Strangelove -y

  11. 12 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    The broker fee might not be a crime in and of itself.  The tit for tat in exchange for easing sanctions?  Well . . .

    We have Trump's own children saying that they were "discussing adoption policy" with Putin and his henchmen. Adoption policy is a reference to sanctions. There's payment and intent to act on behalf of a foreign power's interests. I'm not sure how to spin that as anything other than quid pro quo.

  12. 15 minutes ago, NaTeWHO said:

    Guy on twitter claiming Avenatti MAY have used the wrong Michael Cohen. May be something, may be nothing.

    More from his twitter:

    Email reads in part: “Please note that I am not the said Michael Cohen. I am a Canadian international consultant residing in Ottawa, Canada. The payment from Actuarial Partners was for legitimate work...”

    “I would greatly appreciate it if you were to correct this error forthwith and make it known publicly that there is no connection between myself and Actuarial Partners and your action against the New York attorney with whom I share a name.”

    “You are surely aware of the fact that this is an extremely common name and would request that you take care before involving innocent parries in this sordid affair.”

    I do believe it is appropriate for @MichaelAvenatti to respond to this immediately.

    I want to be clear about what this is: An email by a man claiming to be named Michael Cohen to Avenatti that was forwarded to me by Actuarial Partners. This is not definitive proof, this is a rebuttal. Both sides need to be heard.

    Now I just got an email from Canadian Michael Cohen. He is currently in Tanzania but tells me "I will deal with this tomorrow, it will be good to straighten all this out." and he signed the email, "Best wishes, Michael Cohen (no relation to Trump’s lawyer!)"

    It now appears that the Israeli payment and the Malaysian payment listed in Avenatti's document were sent to a different Michael Cohen. Mistaken identity.


    I thought Avenatti found the information from SAR's (suspicious activity report) from banks? Wouldn't the banks be on top of who's sending money to and from accounts?

  13. 7 minutes ago, Tuco said:

    I'll take "Net Neutrality" for $200,000.

    One of the biggest backers of shitcanning net neutrality paid Trump's personal lawyer, who also happens to be in the RNC leadership, $200,000 in "insight" fees while the Republican Congress is in the process of dismantling the widely popular net neutrality regulation.  Every Republican Congressman has some explaining to do. 

    The payments also stopped after shit pie repealed title 2 at the FCC for ISP's. Totes unrelated though right? 

  14. I think the worst of the right wing trolls and sycophants stayed on the shag and are now moderators, such as 8mofo. Other folks who think the holocaust is a hoax, like CLH are still there too. I'm glad that they get to enjoy all the scat and dumpsterfire that was left for them. But seriously, I took a screenshot of CR just to capture how absurd it is




  15. 13 minutes ago, Tuco said:

    Yeah, I don't really have any fucking clue what they have Cohen.  But, considering how fast Trump is running from Cohen, my guess is that it's significant. 

    My understanding is that Cohen is basically trump's consigliere and makes things "go away" for him. He knows where the skeletons are buried, mainly because he held the shovel. 

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