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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. Something I think needs to become an issue but won't is that metadata collection is extremely powerful and it was ok'd by our court system in the mid-2000's before we had the ability to really wring all the usefulness out of it. For example: Cambridge Analytica did all of their shittery with only metadata made available to advertisers. They weren't combing through your actual posts, just observing who you interacted with and how you interacted with them, only looking at metadata. The NSA has had the green light for nearly two decades now to collect, digest, and exploit metadata to build profiles on citizens and really anyone they care to and they're legally in the clear on it due to precedent. We as a nation have to re-evaluate these judicial decisions on extremely technical topics because they weren't made with the current level of understanding of how dangerous and powerful it is. But we won't do that because we're a nation of idiots led by the king of idiots.

    • Like 4
  2. 6 minutes ago, sachick said:

    I was offline over the weekend? Anything interesting happen? Did the idiot get us into any wars?

    Rudy Guiliani continued to shit his pants on national television on behalf of trump and friends, which will likely have some negative legal repercussions for trump

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  3. 29 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    And I'll give you a hint: If you want Trump removed when the Mueller report comes out you need to work your magic on the persuadable Republicans. They will decide.  Tell me your pitch.  So far your pitch sucks.  I can assure you it sucks.

    What, not enough doughnuts and child molesters to get you interested?

  4. 4 minutes ago, TornACL said:

    My sister in law rants and raves every time we visit with her about how great SHS is and how she stands up to "that media". I am 100% sure she still believes everything SHS says.

    Uhg my future in laws fall into this camp. "I just admire her so much for going out and doing that hard job everyday" like bitch maybe the first time she had to defend a lie, sure. But when she's saying contradictory things and adamantly arguing her story never changed...

  5. 18 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    No so clear cut.  There are a lot of cases where someone says “he’s a total thief” or some such and the courts refuse to say that is necessarily an accusation of a crime. Lay people can use legal sounding words in lay ways. 

    I wouldn't say that the chief executive is a lay person though. If the president accuses someone of a crime that generally carries repercussions right?

  6. TFW trump tweets that stormy daniels extorted him and turns her previously weak defamation claim into a slam dunk because he accused her of a crime so no damages need to be proved to bring the suit and avenatti will be entitled to depose trump under oath

  7. On 5/1/2018 at 11:09 AM, David Dennison said:

    The sooner this country embraces automation, the better. We are going to have to have a real reckoning about the role of employment and work in our society. Widespread automation is going to force that to happen.

    That is more true than you know man. Have you seen machine and deep learing algorithms? We are staying to develop systems that can diagnose an illness with better than human accuracy, systems that can pick apart a legal argument, and systems that can engineer and architect a building. And they don't want a salary, they just need hardware to run on. 


    Automation is going to get many more people than just burger flippers. 

    • Like 1
  8. Just now, Biff Tannen said:

    How about unhinged?  That word needs to be stricken from the english language.

    As long as we can also strike "-gate" as shorthand for any scandal while we're at it. But pee-tape-gate does have a nice ring to it...

  9. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/white-house-lawyer-ty-cobb-is-exiting-and-will-be-replaced-by-clinton-impeachment-attorney-emmet-flood/2018/05/02/96da63b8-4e26-11e8-84a0-458a1aa9ac0a_story.html?utm_term=.501b7bef1c09

    "White House lawyer Ty Cobb, who served as the administration’s point person in dealing with special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, is stepping down and will be replaced by veteran white-collar defense attorney Emmet Flood, according to senior administration officials.

    Flood, a partner at Williams & Connolly, was interviewed by President Trump in March. He served as special counsel in the George W. Bush administration and represented President Bill Clinton during House proceedings to impeach him."

    Well tweet didn't age well, went stale after just five mooches

    I wonder if he'll complain about his lawyer working for the clintons before lmao

    • Like 1
  10. Dumped a shitload of time into battletech over the weekend while my fiance is doing finals study - this game scratches the itch of playing a long-running tabletop campaign and the aspects of managing a merc company in between missions (mech repair and refitting, pilot training and health, system travel to contracts) are really deep and interesting. There are definitely some performance issues for the game as it's built in unity but I hope it'll get more stable/faster with time.

    I'm playing it mostly as just a campaign game right now, but I'd imagine it's a fantastic way to play battletech online. They did an excellent job adapting the rules to a computer game and tweaking things where it doesn't quite make sense to carry over the old TT rules. If you're in to the tabletop game, you will absolutely be into this game and I'd strongly recommend it.

  11. 24 minutes ago, SmokeyBear1861 said:

    He's that bad eh? Never heard of Mensch or PalmerReport.

    Theres so many leftie propaganda outlets it's tough to know, my all time fav is center for American progress though. Soros lil baby.

    What, not enough sexual assault and dogwhistle for your flavor of """news""" organization?

  12. 2 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    Well, just doing away with popular elections altogether would be one way of addressing the Trump issue.  I won't argue that point.

    You should probably make a thread for this topic and stop derailing this one. There's significant trump news happening that you're drowning out, my dude

  13. It's an interesting decision to invoke the 5th in a civil case since that CAN be used in the decision making process by the jury. I get that he won't be held in contempt since a statement in the civil case could be used against him in the criminal case (McCarthy v. Arndstein), but it really fucks up this civil case which will lead to even more shit tumbling out down the line. Man, he's a shitty lawyer lmao

  14. 14 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    So was Comey.  His actions WRT the handling of the Clinton investigation were directly influenced by a Russian intelligence operation.

    Yeah handing the election to trump was the result of Russian meddling right?? Keep on carrying that water and debasing yourself friendo

  15. I'm curious to see if the rockets tighten up their game on Wednesday. They were playing super lazy defense switching on every screen and giving up mismatches left and right. Absolutely correctable issues, but they'll get ripped apart by a competent offense for doing that shit.

  16. 45 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

    this is a national security issue.  if/when we engage in a war with russia, china, nork, iran, our way of life will change overnight.  you can bet your ass those governments already have trojans in all of the major infrastructure systems to shut shit down at the click of a button.  what will all the insecure moms do without facebook?  what the fuck am i going to do without google maps traffic notifications and porn?????????


    wont something think of the humanity?????

    It'll be much worse than that lol. Critical backbone infrastructure like power, gas, and water will likely be compromised in the event of a large scale cyberattack - BUT - private IT operations (like FB and twitter for example ) will likely be running for a while afterwards if they've done good DR and security work

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