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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 2 minutes ago, zork said:

    I worked and managed in the Data Center world for about 10 years.  My impression on contractors was not that they didn't give a rat's ass.  That type of attitude would get you fired or at minimum not extended.  Of course there were some who had a perceived negative attitude but generally those guys/gals got their shit done when it mattered.   Some had a lack of acumen or limited upside is maybe a better way of saying it.  If you were smart you found a way to make those people fit because the retraining/turnover loop sucks.(unless they are just complete negative bringing everyone else down daily)

    This is a key statement and applies to the contractor employer relationship as well.  If you aren't being clear what is expected then you aren't going to get what you need out of your contractor.

    Not sure why you negged me, you must never have worked in an office where the managers cared more about their bonus than putting out good tech - IE - the vast majority of dinosaur tech companies like old retailers and the Giants from the 90s. Running a DC is significantly different from writing and maintaining the software that runs in that DC. Your DC could be fucking fort Knox, but if your guys are writing shit code then it's not gonna matter how physically secure your boxes are. 

    Plus, in my experience if a contractor was bad, management just rotates them through TCS to get another person and the cycle of shit continues. Write and run shitty code, get shitty security. Simple as that. 

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    If they moved money fro the Trump campaign to Trump's company to pay off Stormy Daniels, why did Cohen take out the HELOC on his house for $130K?  I thought that's where the money came from.

    Maybe it was an attempt to launder the money from the trump campaign? We won't know until all this dust settles but it doesn't seem like totally baseless conjecture, especially with the new reporting that he's being investigated for bank fraud and campaign finance violations

  3. 2 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    Probably get good support for saying he’s acting beyond his mandate by referring matters unrelated to 2016 campaign.  

    Except Mueller didn't investigate it or do the judicial work to get warrants or anything - he simply passed along what he found to another law enforcement agency. I'd think that makes him pretty free and clear of a legitimate complaint right?

  4. Just now, Anastasis said:

    Even if the crimes are federal campaign finance crimes?

    We don't know the nature of the specific crimes being investigated, but the state of new york ALSO has campaign finance laws you know :P

    And that doesn't rule out other violations of NY law that they may uncover during their investigation.

  5. 1 minute ago, Anastasis said:

    5) Lawdogs, since this was referred to USDA in NY, this is still in realm of federal crimes, correct?  Meaning that pardon power in play. Popcorn. 

    If the crimes were committed in the state of New York and were against the laws of the state of New York, then the fed agency can refer the issue to the state level law enforcement at which point pardon power means bupkis

  6. 26 minutes ago, Vince_McCoy_Williams said:

    Lol, did he get a loan of a billion dollars? 

    Bottom line is, the dude has an empire worth far more than he started with, that is indisputable. 

    We don't know because trump failed to extricate himself from his foreign and domestic emoluments. And he's failed to release his tax returns. So given that we know that deutsche bank loaned him 640m that he went tits up on and no domestic banks would give him a loan, and he's been doing a shitload of business abroad before and during his presidency, then his capital has to be coming from somewhere, and it certainly isn't self-funded.

  7. 31 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    I have to tell you--I'm powerfully uncomfortable with raiding lawyers' offices.  I recognize that in a lot of circumstances, the lawyer isn't acting as a lawyer, and so the materials aren't privileged.  But an investigator needs to be real circumspect about that kind of thing.

    Also not a lawyer but I agree. These raids were no knock raids indicating they expected evidence to be destroyed or concealed if they had any notice. And a federal judge agreed with them enough to sign off on a warrant. We're definitely in uncharted waters but I think in any situation the president's personal lawyer getting popped like this is real fuckin notable

  8. 6 minutes ago, GSU&UT said:

    Imagine this dude's reaction if Obama literally did the same thing and caused this guy to lose 35k a year. He would have probably taken his guns and drove to the Whitehouse.



    But don't worry, his vote is "at risk."

    Much like McCain, he is "gravely concerned"

  9. 6 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    Watch your corn holes, my TurboTax friends.  Just got a notice from the IRS that my 2016 return was fubar’d by TurboTax and I owe 10.9k + 20% penalty for a $13k check I got to write in a month.  

    Looking at what happened, TurboTax imported a 1099 and put numbers in the wrong boxes. 

    I'd think you could go after TurboTax for failing to file your taxes properly as that's their claim in advertising, right? Sure they can try and say that they aren't responsible because of some bullshit in the EULA but I doubt it'd hold up in court right?

  10. It's almost like the government is trying to incentivize a certain type of vehicle ownership which they hope will lead to lower consumption of resources and/or lower pollution thereby allowing them to save money elsewhere in other efforts. Fucking outcome based policy??? No wonder you can't understand it you fucking wannabe sailor with a medical discharge and vet benefits that somehow could still swim for a major university. Defrauding ass idiot motherfucker

    • Like 2
  11. 2 hours ago, Handcruser said:

    What is AWS going to do?  Their security posture is not very good.  Don’t rely on providers to secure your assets.  

    Doc and I worked together for a short time in the security world.  Almost everyone does most of it wrong    


    And you shouldn't rely on your rack maintainer to secure the software you're running either. Thinking of AWS or Azure or GCP as your own free security staff is idiotic. The onus is still on the person running the software and configuring the servers to make sure they're secure. And besides if AWS et al aren't secure then why are government agencies and classified projects running in the cloud?

    You are right though, nearly everyone does security wrong because most underpaid contract engineers don't give a rats ass about security and the companies paying for the contractors don't care to make sure they're being thorough because it hurts the bottom line.

    • Fuck You 1
  12. On 3/27/2018 at 9:47 PM, ChiTownDoc said:

    I didn't have a chance to really see the meltdown over the weekend so I was rubber necking.  It's quite literally a shitshow there right now.  

    I'm sure there's more than a few users just watching it burn over there...I guess I'd suggest logging out of your user name and doing it that way. 

    Yeah, there's shitposting and then there's shaggy shitposting. I like the community effort to fuck with the new management though

  13. 27 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    I don't see how this is such a hard issue to get him on.  The secret service has to rent golf carts at maralago whenever they go down there.  That money goes directly to his company.  There it is.

    The issue is proving that the plaintiffs have standing to bring the suit. Every other case involving emoluments has been dismissed. However, since what trump is doing is directly against the Maryland state constitution they have a much stronger claim as his businesses are provably causing harm to businesses in their state

  14. 2 hours ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    As long as AMZN trades like a tech company and not a real company, then everything should be fine with their stock.  When and if Wall Street ever holds them to the same P&L standards of the competitors in their industries, they'll crash.  Otherwise, full speed ahead.

    Only in Silicon Valley are Elisabeth Holmes and Travis Kalanick considered legitimate CEO's.....

    How do you mean they don't trade like a real company? They pull in a ludicrous amount of revenue from AWS and are reaping tons of benefits from vertical integration. They're trying to double the headcount in AWS within the next couple of years for christsake! That's "big" "real" company shit right? Their revenue isn't venture capital and they're best in class for an entire commerce platform

  15. 2 hours ago, hobbes2702 said:

    Well they can’t plead the 5th if they are pardoned

    So here's the doomsday I'm worried about:

    1) they take the presidential pardon
    2) they refuse to comply with subpoenas
    3) they are found in contempt of court
    4) they are pardoned from the contempt charges
    5) repeat

    I have no doubt in my mind some shit like that is going to be tried by frump and co

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