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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. It's not a replacement for an actual backup battery, but I'm pretty happy with the 18v tool battery adapter I picked up. Put it on a battery and it gives you 150w AC plug and a USB-C port, and gives some nice flexibility to the pile-o-batteries
  2. I mean, there's a fucking boat parade happening today for trump for crying out loud. None of them give a shit that trump raped 13 year olds with epstein, and they get mad and upset for being crass when you point out his child rape. It's the essence of the conservative mindset
  3. Yeah we decided to make tracks tonight, it's gonna be a madhouse tomorrow. I heard there's twice as many boats and folks down for the parade foolishness, and I'd bet most of em are sticking around for the fireworks tonight. A buddy coming in from the eight mile stretch said you can't see the end of the line of cars coming into to town Alligator Head made the call and is making everyone pull their boats out of the slings by noon tomorrow, but it's gonna be a madhouse
  4. Wasn't that some employees of twitter telling him that while they were doing their "please don't lay my division off" brown nosing
  5. Not a big huge show or anything, but it's my first live band since my daughter was born! Fun classic rock cover band at a friend of a friend's 4th of July party in Port O'Connor 20240704_183956.mp4
  6. Are you down in POC? I thought someone threw a shoulder check at me at speedy stop
  7. Dude it is fucking insane how many child rapist flags are everywhere in POC this weekend. It's outrageous
  8. You don't need to give us reasons why repubs are voting trump
  9. Bar Keepers Friend is your friend. Shit is excellent for cleaning enamels or carbon steel or stainless steel pans. You can use it on cast iron but you'll completely remove all the seasoning and take it back to bare metal My wife baked some pasta onto our nice enameled dutch oven that was carbonized in some spots, and BKF took it off easy peasy with a tiny amount of scrubbing. Looked brand new again
  10. My wife and I have been discussing where we will go when we leave Texas. Colorado would be lovely and we have some family there on my side, but wildfires seem to be CO's version of a hurricane
  11. Uncle Kim's pissin hot reloads plus 50 year old guns that have been sitting outside unmaintained seems like a winning combo. I certainly enjoy it's results
  12. If you're not already, you should check out his podcast Better Offline - they did a great discussion on the trend of empty suits taking control of engineering teams and directing them to build bullshit solely for investors at the cost of their customers experience
  13. This is some fucked up thinking that we can only have convenient and cost effective items if they're poisoning us. It's too bad the EPA was recently stripped of its authority to regulate this sort of thing. Truly some rot economy horseshit.
  14. For FUCKS sake, why does everyone put PFAS in fucking everything?? https://www.classaction.org/news/costco-lawsuit-alleges-kirkland-baby-wipes-contain-dangerous-forever-chemicals Almost 4 parts per billion were measured by a certified lab across multiple samples from stores. The EPA limit is 4 parts per TRILLION, and the actual health concerns start at .004 parts per TRILLION. I've been using these wipes for my daughter basically since she was born a couple months ago. God damnit.
  15. Generative Adversarial Networks are, like, sooooo 2019.
  16. Nvidia has a crazy run right now between crypto and then pivoting right into AI. Granted, they're actually creating something new and genuinely pushing the boundaries of mathematics forward, but it's wild to see it capitalized so effectively
  17. Official statements can't be made while you're campaigning. The Hatch Act exists, even if it was shredded during the trump admin. I'm just so fucking exhausted of trump's lawyers proposing something that's completely absurd and farcical on its face, and then all the kings horses and all the kings men twisting themselves into knots just to argue every little specious fecal filing down to get the right ruling. It's a scenario where trumpco only needs to succeed once or twice, and apparently attempting to overrule a democratically appointed slate of electors is actually a presidential duty. Or at least it's so fucking unclear that we need to pause everything to argue about it for a few more months. What a goddamn clown fiesta.
  18. You keep touting this as if it's a feature and not a bug. Trumpco is effectively DDOSing the justice system with his specious filings, and then worst of all he gets validation from the Imperial Court for his gaslit arguments on how his attempt to subvert the election is an official act. Or at least, we have to hear his horseshit argument and make a ruling on that before doing ANYTHING else, and he has a free hand to continue grabbing lady liberty by the pussy. He is an agent of malice that seeks to weaponize every mechanism extended to him, and you're too busy telling me about the features to realize that trump has everything he needs to delay any more trials indefinitely
  19. It wasn't just that it made corporations people, the decision also legally turned money into speech. You can't donate unlimited to a campaign directly, but you can spend unlimited with zero reporting on campaigning for them. SuperPACs are the far more pernicious and insidious thing that has been undermining our democratic process. And that mechanism for people to exercise their """speech""" becomes leveragable thanks to the corporate personhood insanity. Citizens United was such a far reaching and unnecessarily broad decision that outkicked it's coverage on fact pattern and matters at hand. Turns out that's been a defining feature of the Imperial Roberts Court
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