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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 27 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    I don't see how this is such a hard issue to get him on.  The secret service has to rent golf carts at maralago whenever they go down there.  That money goes directly to his company.  There it is.

    The issue is proving that the plaintiffs have standing to bring the suit. Every other case involving emoluments has been dismissed. However, since what trump is doing is directly against the Maryland state constitution they have a much stronger claim as his businesses are provably causing harm to businesses in their state

  2. 2 hours ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    As long as AMZN trades like a tech company and not a real company, then everything should be fine with their stock.  When and if Wall Street ever holds them to the same P&L standards of the competitors in their industries, they'll crash.  Otherwise, full speed ahead.

    Only in Silicon Valley are Elisabeth Holmes and Travis Kalanick considered legitimate CEO's.....

    How do you mean they don't trade like a real company? They pull in a ludicrous amount of revenue from AWS and are reaping tons of benefits from vertical integration. They're trying to double the headcount in AWS within the next couple of years for christsake! That's "big" "real" company shit right? Their revenue isn't venture capital and they're best in class for an entire commerce platform

  3. 2 hours ago, hobbes2702 said:

    Well they can’t plead the 5th if they are pardoned

    So here's the doomsday I'm worried about:

    1) they take the presidential pardon
    2) they refuse to comply with subpoenas
    3) they are found in contempt of court
    4) they are pardoned from the contempt charges
    5) repeat

    I have no doubt in my mind some shit like that is going to be tried by frump and co

  4. I've got a Delonghi EC680 that pulls a damn fine shot or double shot of espresso, along with the delonghi conical burr grinder. For a while I used a lower quality mr. coffee grinder that wasn't a conical burr that just couldn't get a consistent and fine enough grind. Getting a good consistent grinder is KEY to a great cup of espresso or other high pressure brew coffee. I usually just swing by my local specs for fresh beans since they roast every day.

    My espresso machine is fairly entry level but I've been consistently happy with it. It pulls damn fine and consistent shots

  5. 8 minutes ago, llanoflash said:

    " While neither the man they killed nor the man they injured was the jail inmate they believed they were chasing, Archer insisted that “the shooting was justified because the officers reasonably believed they were pursuing Venzor-Gonzalez.”


    i would think that if you decide you are going to shoot the fuck outta somebody, you might want to make sure it is who you think it is.

    Naw fuck that, the cop was scared for half a second so it's totally cool to go Rambo. Sign out front should have told you

  6. 13 minutes ago, Grandioso said:

    Trump made a made a fantastical promise he never thought he'd be in a position to have to honor and it will be embarrassing for him if he doesn't get it done. So now our current president is trying to chisel billions of dollars away from the military to protect his ego.

    You're basically describing how he's done business for the last several decades. Check out the netflix documentary "Dirty Money". They did an hour and a half edition on trump called "Confidence Man" and when you see footage of him wheeling and dealing back in the 80s and 90s it really comes home just how much he's bamboozled his supporters. It's a story that's happened time and time again

  7. 1 hour ago, Spankytoes said:

    I may or may not have filed a lien against the real estate properties of all 30 Eskimo Hut locations through a Texas LLC out of spite due to a loophole in the poorly written franchise agreement.

    Jeeze, I forgot how vindictive shaggy surly can be

  8. Just now, South Austin said:

    Bob legitimately sounds like a great guy. Hope to meet him at the first Surly happy hour. #nohomo, #norepwhore

    Can confirm, bumped into him at a few tailgates and he's always been a good dude. And he even helped organize getting our hats out over the fall

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