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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. I'm not an apple kool-aid drinker but my fiance is. I'm looking forward to the iPad announcement today since she really wants one to use as a digital textbook and reference lookup for law school shit. And iPads are probably the best-presentation tablet in the game still. Fingers crossed for lower prices or baller specs in the presser

  2. 7 hours ago, elfenix said:

    re: 3rd video:

    isn't mechwarrior set in the battletech universe and not the other way around?



    Eh, MechWarrior is based on the tabletop game battletech. They inhabit the same canonical universe though. The games have generally been post-clan invasion but there's a ton of good stories and fiction during the 3rd succession wars (3020-25)

  3. I backed on Kickstarter. I used to run a campaign of the tabletop game and have had the opportunity to play this at PAX East and south a couple of times. The devs get it and love the franchise and it's a really faithful adaptation and reproduction of the tabletop experience. I'm psyched for the release next month

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