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Hugo Stiglitz

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Hugo Stiglitz last won the day on January 11 2021

Hugo Stiglitz had the most liked content!


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    Dildo Salesman

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  1. Looking good for Texas… I assume Sark is good at clock management…
  2. Bibi still wants a war with Iran. Always has.
  3. A lot of them are having a hard time finding their place in the world. The good paying jobs are not good enough to payoff student debt, a mortgage, or start a family. The job market is also incredibly dehumanizing. You have to chain yourself to a shitty job just to get decent healthcare. It not great when you wake up realizing your labor has been mostly to payoff banks instead of building wealth like the previous generations did by pulling up the bootstraps. There’s a sad hopelessness that the American dream is forever out of reach for young men and it would take a strongman sent by god to correct course. A decent education is also becoming increasingly unaffordable and possibly useless in the economy ahead.
  4. You know they’re never going to hold Trump accountable. But yeah, it will be good for posterity I guess.
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