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Hugo Stiglitz

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Hugo Stiglitz last won the day on January 11 2021

Hugo Stiglitz had the most liked content!


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    Dildo Salesman

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  1. Link to story: https://www.justice.gov/usao-mdtn/pr/texas-man-arrested-and-charged-making-threats-kill-nashville-district-attorney-glenn#:~:text=NASHVILLE –A federal criminal complaint,District of Tennessee Henry C.
  2. It’s all thinly veiled white supremacy propaganda that most boomers somehow cannot recognize
  3. Solid, concise, explanation of the contemporary mechanics of the GQP
  4. It’s depressing because many of those posters were otherwise normies before the Trump movement radicalized so many of them in real time.
  5. I have some ancestors from Haiti but they had to flee for some reason to Jamaica and New Orleans sometime in the mid 1790s.
  6. Look the whites have had a number done on them, 25+ years of Rush Limbaugh and Fox News without any counterbalance can really warp your perception of reality, especially if you’re a boomer. They’re ignorant and stupid but their biggest flaw is a lack of empathy for vulnerable people and minorities. Sadly, the cognitive dissonance we’re dealing with is insurmountable and some of them are actual nazis. Fuck these people and fuck the 1% elites that manipulate and manufactured this hate machine for power, money, and influence. It’s really difficult to get someone to understand they’ve been conned for over 30 years but that doesn’t mean we should stop trying. /rant
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