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Hugo Stiglitz

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Posts posted by Hugo Stiglitz

  1. 6 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    He took down Alabama by the skin of his teeth against a fucking racist pedophile.  I don't think the right would go for him against a halfway normal human being.

    For 2020, it will be easier to galvanize the left than attempt to appeal to the right with a moderate.  

    Seriously, the right would currently vote for a fucking Russian if he had an (R) next to his name and be happy to do it because fuck Dems.  These people are gone.  It’s tragic and sad but this is the environment.

      The Dems need someone qualified, strong, exciting, and inspires hope.  Someone new that hasn’t run for President before.  It’s going to be another election run on emotions, and that’s okay as long as the winner is in it for the right reasons and isn’t a sellout traitor.

  2. 30 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Because our dumbfuck country isn't ready for it yet.  She's too female and too left, even if she's more than qualified and competent.  The Dems run her and the trumpkins come out to vote and I fear we are in this same dumbfuck situation again.  If they run someone more centrist and more white and more male who can get us back to the status quo, that's what they should do.  Biden would fit this bill.

    There’s plenty of time left for Trump to wreck the economy.  The Dems could put up a black man named Hussein with almost zero experience in public office and still win.

  3. 4 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    one person dead inside the building with a self-inflicted gunshot wound per presser. they believe it is the shooter.

    3+ victims (not including shooter)

    one critical 

    one serious

    one not so serious 

    two female one male

    per LEO at scene 

  4. Just now, hayden_horn said:

    regardless of relation, that's fucking irresponsible at best of the nra, if that's an affiliated account (i assume the check mark means it is)

    It’s legit and the bulk of the NRA’s influence is in their media operation on platforms like YouTube.  Try watching any firearm related video on YouTube and odds are you’ll see an ad from the NRA, usually heavily politically charged.

  5. 1 minute ago, Laxtonto said:

    Is it sad to say for investigative journalism or accurate news in the event of a tragedy like this I trust TMZ more than everyone else?

    No, TMZ cares more about getting info out first instead of correct in these situations.  No one is going to hold TMZ accountable for getting their facts wrong.

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