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Hugo Stiglitz

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Everything posted by Hugo Stiglitz

  1. While we’re doing the I hate to be right thing, pretty sure I said something like “the fastest way to get Trump again would be to nominate Joe Biden in 2020.” Leopards eating face party cuts both ways sometimes. Still praying every night that I’m wrong on this one.
  2. I remember you shaggy prophecy. There is no coming back. The bad guys are really winning these days.
  3. I’m ashamed as an American tonight is going to happen. I weep for our children’s future. And the fact they still call these horror shows “debates” is insulting to actual spirited rhetorical discourse.
  4. \threadjack So I’m currently shopping for work in the San Antonio area, almost anything supply chain related or otherwise. If anyone has any leads or wants to hire the best employee ever, please feel free to shoot me a PM or email me for a résumé at: metaphysicalmojodojocasablanca@aol.com /threadjack fuck Trump
  5. Just read his 2003 book “The Hornet’s Nest”, not bad for a spry 81 year old (at the time he wrote it.)
  6. So apparently like my 3rd great grandfather was a bodyguard to Joseph Smith and he had to go get the body after he was assassinated. I’m also a direct descendant of at least 10 Mayflower passengers including John Howland, the guy that fell off the ship, John Billington, the first white man hung in America for white on white murder, and John Cooke who was the last male passenger to die in 1695. I’m also related to Ulysses S. Grant, Winston Churchill, and FDR in like 8 different ways. I’m at least a quarter Mennonite, around a 1% dash of Cherokee, and a double dash of Ukrainian. Also have a 9th great grandmother that was somehow hanged twice in Boston in 1660. Perhaps you’ve heard of her on drunk history, Mary Dyer. https://youtu.be/108OO-O86NM?si=J7EaVAg07Uuf-mFp Hook ‘em
  7. The thing is, normal people do not understand we’re dealing with a hardened fanatical cult that will die for the Orange Jesus if he gives the order. I believe this election is going to be a catastrophic train wreck for the country EITHER WAY, and just like January 6th, it is completely preventable.
  8. So after this fails, are the Trump people going to challenge the existence of laws? And will we need weeks/months for multiple courts to verify that yes, laws do in fact exist. This system is corrupt as fuck.
  9. Imagine living in world where you need Mitch McConnell, holy shit but here we are.
  10. We will not have Paul Ryan to tell us, “He’s new at this!”
  11. You could likely find a similar case for numerous senators and congressmen. The lack of transparency in campaign finance has been egregiously exploited by bad actors.
  12. Holy shit Cheese bro https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/26/politics/kenneth-chesebro-secret-twitter-account-kfile/index.html was running the coup anonymously on Twitter but failed to report this to investigators OPPS!
  13. Right and that racism is exploited and cultivated through cleverly framed propaganda. Lee Atwater out front and all…
  14. Do we have to use gatewaypundit as a source?
  15. I actually don’t mind the Arab population positioning themselves this way at this time IF it’s in an effort to move Biden away from lockstep alignment with Netanyahu. If Biden’s election is dependent on the votes of the Michigan Muslim population then what does that say about the viability of the Biden campaign?
  16. It’s all of the above and it’s the propaganda. 20 years of Rush, Fox News, and Alex Jones coupled with a vapid materialistic society that worships wealth and domination over the content of someone’s character. Trump checks all the boxes plus he’s genuinely ignorant and uneducated which effectively resonates with the like minded.
  17. Wonder if she will bring the Romney back… Either way I’m optimistic her replacement will be more incompetent and vile.
  18. Gotta wonder if the MAGA cult is as committed as that serviceman.
  19. Trump clearly has a Nikki Haley lookalike standing behind him at this victory speech
  20. So to summarize, everything is bullshit and the Christian nationalist bullshit is much much worse than our established bullshit that holds this circus called civilization together. /Howard Beale
  21. The fucking puritans are at it again.
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