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Hugo Stiglitz

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Everything posted by Hugo Stiglitz

  1. Was coming to post that… will cross post image in death cult thread
  2. This will not happen. Who is going to charge them? Merrick Garland’s DOJ? LOL These house GOP goons have been propagating Kremlin narratives and talking points consequence free since the Obama administration. However, it’s also the same stuff you hear on Alex Jones or Fox News which conveniently gives the GOP goons and the Kremlin plausible deniability.
  3. Link to rankings report: http://www.brandonrottinghaus.com/uploads/1/0/8/7/108798321/presidential_greatness_white_paper_2024.pdf So I’ve come around to putting Lincoln ahead of Washington manly because of Lincoln’s ability to manage a mess that was ultimately created by the reluctance of the founding fathers to abolish slavery. Washington and FDR are pretty much tied for the number 2 spot which I find agreeable. The other news is this report are the presidents with the largest swings in rank over the past nine years which goes to show how contemporary events often alter how we evaluate history. Biggest gains since 2015: #7 Obama - up 9 #17 Grant - up 9 Biggest losers since 2015: #21 Jackson - down 12 #34 Coolidge - down 7 #25 Polk - down 6 #15 Wilson - down 5 #16 Reagan- down 5 #38 Taylor - down 5 Where I disagree - GW Bush is too high at 32, as is Hoover at 36 I also don’t like ranking current or recent past presidents because it usually takes twenty years to rigorously evaluate the consequences of their decisions in office. However, Trump at dead last is appropriate. Discuss!
  4. For me it’s not so much the age, it’s the unavoidable observable consequences of too many birthdays. People age differently, I know guys (and gals) in their early eighties that are still sharpe, articulate, and/or extremely skilled at hiding the steps they’ve lost over the years. Biden isn’t one of these people and never has been. This was among the big concerns about Biden in the 2020 primaries, there was no well laid out long term plan past the 2020 election, but the next alternative (Bernie), was even older and arguably more risky, so it became a moot point by Super Tuesday. Trump is a monster and should not be walking freely among us so the choice between Biden and Trump is easy for me but it’s becoming increasingly difficult to defend a system that repeatedly produces these objectively poor and antiquated leadership choices.
  5. Already getting 2016 PTSD… Except this time it’s like the FBI director was appointed by Trump.
  6. Rage Against the Machine years active: 1991-2000
  7. Basically the “informant” was, at best, an unwitting agent of the Russian intelligence service. It would be fucking shocking if it wasn’t so predictable.
  8. The billionaires will double his offer to stay.
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