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Hugo Stiglitz

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Everything posted by Hugo Stiglitz

  1. Texas is going to win
  2. I think Trump likes tariffs solely because it’s something he can unilaterally do as president, at least for a short period of time. It’s the exercise of power he loves, not any actual perceived benefit. Like almost no one in America asked to impose a bunch of stupid protectionist tariffs.
  3. I like how the fate of the free world is going to rest on the voter turnout of a few radicalized incels in rural Pennsylvania. Hell of a system we have here. My unlikely morbid fantasy this election is for Trump to win the popular vote and lose the electoral college.
  4. Obama going full Dracarys on Trump needs to happen
  5. This shit has worked like once maybe twice in the last 70 years. 1960 LBJ, and that’s about it.
  6. It’s kinda like the decades after the printing press was invented. Crazy ass dangerous ideas spread like wildfire and tens of thousands of innocent people falsely accused of witchcraft were drowned, hanged, buried alive, and burned at the stake. And that’s when most people didn’t know how to read or write. It’s almost comical that we thought we could handle the internet, social media, and AI all within the last 30 years and nothing catastrophic would come of it, especially when we let some of the most amoral and unethical people run the show.
  7. Team Walmart needs to beat Tennessee
  8. Taylor Swift is somehow to blame for this.
  9. It’s funny not funny to see the absurd local government bid practices being applied to Bibles. “Like, we know exactly what we want and who we want to buy it from so we will write the bid in such a way that only one potential bidder can possibly win the bid.” This shit happens everywhere all the time and it doesn’t get much scrutiny because it’s a “public bid.”
  10. Curious how the “Don’t be a sucker!” video was created by Eisenhower’s War Department the year after Trump was born. Curious!
  11. Kinda want to ask my MAGA relatives if they want to live in a theocratic police state where everyone is strapped with paralyzing debt? Because I’d prefer to vote away from that.
  12. I like to point to how the democrats have like no significant “liberal left” accomplishments in the last I dunno, forever, except maybe Obamacare which was originally a Republican healthcare plan. Like minimum wage is still $7.50… that liberal agenda though… scary stuff.
  13. Judge verbally unloaded on her before sentencing for like 8-10 minutes, rightfully so.
  14. The media secretly loves Trump, Michelle Wolf was right.
  15. CPAC 2025 speaker list just dropped
  16. I remember when Hillary mishandled some classified documents and it cost her the presidency. Seems like a massive multi-level conspiracy to defraud voters and overthrow the US government should have at least some political consequences, perhaps legal ones as well… I dunno
  17. Need to bump the 2020 election thread I guess…
  18. So much crime in that document. I got through like 50 pages and feel like I should go into witness protection.
  19. Wow, reading all that I learned this Trump guy is a dangerous lunatic that probably should not be walking freely among us four years after. Good thing we have strong institutions to prevent anything like that from happening again.
  20. It’s sad because they think there’s some orchestrated clandestine elite conspiracy when in reality there’s like 5 very public billionaires richer than god controlling every platform they get their information. It’s like they are sooooo close to getting it… but then the lizard people drinking babies blood is somehow a more plausible explanation. Make it make sense.
  21. Isn’t Walz’s wife a legit speech and debate coach? yeah, this should be good
  22. So who is selling weapons to Iran?
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