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Loch Ness Monster

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Everything posted by Loch Ness Monster

  1. Really wish Dems would never refer to the JD's of the world as pro life. They are pro FORCED BIRTH. JD doesn't give a shit about poor kids after they are here.
  2. Many Americans treat politics as a sport. Same reason fans stay loyal to a shitty team year after year. Grew up on the red team so by golly gotta stick with them.
  3. Guessing Trump by 5% in Texas but just pulling that out of my ass. Lots of Trumpies have come from out of state here.
  4. Just keep repeating this over and over please. Billionaires vs working class.
  5. ^ Might pick up some more undecided racist white guy votes. Could still be on the fence. Love how Kamala HQ just trolls MAGA and Trump all day every day. Seems like a fun job.
  6. Really had no opinion of vouchers but considering billionaires are buying off politicians for it- must be awful.
  7. Mostly just a standard Trump rally. Immigrants are pouring out of insane asylums committing crimes. Biden is the worst President of all time but its also terrible and a real shame what they did to him making him step down. Kamala is a Marxist communist that will start World War 3. I'm friends with Putin and it's a good thing to be friends with guys like Kim Jong Un. Nothing insightful.
  8. Trump sounds like he has cotton in his mouth. 30 minutes in and still talking about almost getting shot.
  9. First 20 minutes Trump is just rambling about getting fake shot. Pretty boring
  10. Bone Spurs Trump claimed veterans were suckers and losers / never served a day in his life. Said not getting an STD was his personal Vietnam. Disrespected John McCain. MAGA can fuck right off.
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