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Everything posted by TejasPedro

  1. The need to send him to jail for wearing that gold suit and silly hat.
  2. Forrest Whitley says me too. I think we have a better chance of seeing Kieth Whitley pitching in October 24’
  3. What flavor will it be? Does the losing team get an Unfrosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon?
  4. Texas aTm home of the Asspuppeteers. They aren’t back because they never left. Aggies you magnificent bastards, you made me thankful for what we do have. Hook’em Horns!
  5. I keep going back and forth, which was a better Bjork success, It’s Oh so Quiet, or the hiring of Stoops. They both hit hard, but different. Could replay both a million times over and never get tired of hearing either
  6. Did Bjork get that Stoops in an Earlybird Black Friday deal?
  7. Aggroid Fan: Howdy friend, did you hear? Aggie Dork: Hear what? Aggroid Fan: We Hired Stoops! Aggie Dork: Gig’em Whoop, holy fudgesicle, we got Bob Stoops! Aggroid Fan: No, no we got Mark Stoops! Phone goes Silent…..
  8. I said Stoops was the right guy, I predicted the wrong Stoops, oops
  9. Kentucky needs to hire Jimbo for 100.00 bucks for 10 years, and beat the living shit out if A&M
  10. As long as he doesn’t have the eyes of squints we should be fine.
  11. Arch is that truth that we were all seeking.
  12. You ever drive down the street and think what the hell is wrong with my ride and then you realize, damn the park brake! have we checked that mother fucker
  13. Pena isn’t the SS they want, he is the SS they need.
  14. Chris Beard was the right guy until he wasn’t. man he really went in dry.
  15. They really need to hire Major. No bullshit. Let him get in those homes during Christmas time, he will turn on that charm and it’s over, those granny panties will start to drop. The dude has serious game. Have his incentives based around recruiting trophies Aggies love those.
  16. Hilarious floating those big names out there. When they finally settle on their guy, going to be a huge let down. They must already know it’s going to be a diamond in the ruff, creating a whole “it’s one jizz jar against the world”. All Aggies must come drinkith from the jar.
  17. Some serious poor shot selection tonight. Three times I was like why in the hell did we just launch it up for no reason. Trying to draw a foul in a critical point in the game when we just worked hard to cut the score and held them for a possession was just dumb.
  18. In this day and age you can never be sure about anything. I didn’t want to come off as transphobic. I really thought 1 was a natural born chick. So do you judge as the man she is today. In the words of Chuck Berry, It goes to show you never can tell.
  19. 1,7,3,5 6, 2,4 it’s a toss up between 1 and 2 on who could choke the best chicken.
  20. Will Lincoln Riley survive until Easter?
  21. Grape-Nuts, Mexican Vanilla Ice cream with Walnuts. Treat yo self
  22. Fun fact Grape-Nads is the cereal of choice for Aggies and Sooners alike.
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