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Everything posted by TejasPedro

  1. Is there anyone in the organization that doesn’t swing at sliders starting 5 inches out of the strike zone? I’m sure the only one we had was the kid we gave to the Mets
  2. Fuck Walt Weiss.
  3. So are we not even gonna try for the unicorn? I would let five or more of our FA’s walk
  4. Verlander- Attitude coach Maton- body language and nonverbal communication coach Chas- Nutritionist
  5. Can we fire Baggie from his role as official hanger-onner?
  6. We need a GM that can find some real talent in free agency not Astros retreads like the Will smiths of the baseball world. Stop getting those guys and expecting to make chicken salad out of dog shit
  7. Disappointed there was no payback for Chas. They send one of ours to the training table we send one of theirs to the ICU
  8. I hate the way he chews gum.
  9. Rangers need to start counting outs. Please show the champagne on ice in rangers locker room!
  10. Players only meeting in tunnel right the f now.
  11. Is Dusty playing 9D chess? This could be the greatest Rope a Dope in the history of MLB. Clubber Garcia is tiring himself out hitting all those bombs, no way he has the strength to hit another, and that’s when we counter.
  12. Bang the can, buzz his shirt.
  13. Diaz PH grand slam, Singleton game winning grand slam.
  14. Furk, is Heather available to talk me through this BS game
  15. A wasted triple by the big guy. That hurts
  16. Mr Roidtober.
  17. All I can say, is I hope that toothpick stabs Dusty’s tongue and lodges in the roof of his mouth.
  18. Let’s beat the hell out of those Rump Rangers from Dallas.
  19. I don’t know what Abreu drives but I am imagining him driving back to H-town in this
  20. Chas and Jose let’s go!
  21. Serious question. Which one of these commercials is the worst? my vote is the google pixel
  22. Giving up a home run to a 77 year old
  23. On October 20 in 1882 Bela Lugosi was born in Hungary. The Astros are what, right now? They are hungry. October is spooky, Bela Lugosi played Dracula. The Astros are scary good and they want blood. 2023-1882=141 141 is a sign of good fortune when it comes to family life. This Astros team is a family. Go Stros!
  24. I like France and Urquidy pitching same game Call them Dario
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