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Everything posted by TejasPedro

  1. It’s the big 12, what coach doesn’t want to come to Texas when your only obstacle is beating OU. Beat those bastards and you basically walk into CFP. OU is always in the hunt. Let’s just get a guy that can beat OU and wake the team up early for Saturday 11am start times. A nutless monkey could do Tom Herman’s job and coach this team to a conference championship
  2. Going after Aaron Franklin, sheet we would end up with Bill Miller the way this is trending
  3. Tony packos if You are near Toledo. Sokolowski's University Inn if you’re in Cleveland that’s really, about it.
  4. Not Squidward, just missed those cryptic messages
  5. 🐑🍕🤞🏾🦥✍🏼🍔🥃💰🛠🏈
  6. Seriously, why would he say no? Our delusions are cheeky and fun! Other fanbases delusions are cruel and tragic.
  7. Never want to get into a big dick Fickle pickle, when all you have is a nickel trickle.
  8. What, why didn’t we offer any French benefits? We need to know all the Pacifics, irregardless if he accepts or not. I could care less at this point.
  9. What, we didn’t we offer any French benefits? We need to know all the Pacifics, irregardless if he accepts or not. I could care less at this point.
  10. What’s Michael Brantley got to do with any of this
  11. That’s some serious next level shit.
  12. Urban Meyer, the subject Of surly fantasy Surly wants him so badly Knows what surly wants to be Inside him, there's longing This fanbase is an open page Book marking,
  13. Herman’s agent must be a complete idiot for not floating stories on teams out there wanting to kick the tires on Herman’s interest in an attempt to get him another extension. Agent stuff is easy
  14. Campbell is not Chicken Soup for our souls
  15. Boomerang: is Urban Meyer CDC: guy trying to catch it Surly: guy in cop helmet banging on hood
  16. Does anyone know if CDC‘S wife makes jewelry? Staring to think that was our mystery metallurgist all along.
  17. Just hold on a minute, step back from the ledge and hear me out. If everyone is getting tested today for The Rona, and something odd showed up in the test results for Tom Herman. Can CDC shit can his ass for being on that shit? Would Herman resign to escape embarrassment?
  18. Sugar tits just wrapped up is it done?Did we nail it?
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