Every Athlete needs to use the very powerful platform they have been to given to take a knee, stop playing and demand that every politician that has ever broken a promise, to any and all minorities, must resign their position immediately. It is time. We have been bamboozled as a nation for far too long. The Scum sucking politicians must no longer gather around and sing spirituals with the common folk to show empathy and solidarity, only to go back to their mansions on high, laughing all the way to the bank with no intention to change a damn thing. If you are an athlete that comes from a poverty stricken district and nothing has changed since your birth, and the only thing that has stayed the same is your elected official then you have been played. That is the injustice. Eyes of Texas, please, what about the icy Whites. Nothing scares the bajesus out of everyone more then seeing an Angry Mob dressed in all White.