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Everything posted by Stilicho

  1. Whenever you feel like explaining why your own personal policy beliefs don't match up with those of the people you vote for, we'll be waiting with baited breath. And please don't pull the "fiscal responsibility, limited federal government, lower taxation" argument on us. The GOP, who own all three facets of the what can loosely be termed as an "acting governing body" of the United States has failed to implement any of these reforms. And I expect actual rebuttals. Not Rush Limbaugh/Sean Hannity/Stephen Miller goalpost movements.
  2. The cycle of "hollow" politics is the new political reality. I don't like it anymore than the next person, but we live in a different age. Popular electoral voting mirrors the Voice than anything else. I have no problem with a Biden/Harris, Warren/Harris, Biden/Booker, Harris/Booker ticket. My fear is that 2020 will not an election based upon politics or policy platform. Rather, it will be an election based upon popularity. Trump didn't win simply because Hillary failed to run her campaign through Rust Belt. She was immensely unlikable across a number of policy spectrums. Trump won on a number of populist platforms that he never intended to implement, but nevertheless, sounded extremely appealing to a segment of the population that sees it's hopes of economic accomplishment disappearing and its way of life eroding. I live among these people. I know. What we need is a younger version of either Roosevelt. A ticket that people can recognize and and identify with across socio-economic, political, and racial divides. I just don't see that in the current crop of D candidates. That's not to mean that they don't represent happy alternatives to our present condition. I just feel like 2020 is a chance to remake the American political apparatus a greater reflection of the actual population. I also want to see Texas play in the CFP, so my delusions may be vast.
  3. Nothing. She is old and has a vagina. That's as extreme as it gets. To be frank, we're still looking for our next Obama. The young-ish candidate that reflects a new set of socio-cultural values that can cross the political divide in both the policy and the ideological arenas. We don't have one yet.
  4. She has a vagina. And she once claimed to be a Cherokee, or some other random Native American tribe that are vulnerable to firewater and other assorted liquors. Everyone knows that's Native Americans are the root cause of communism. Do you even Manifest Destiny bro? In all seriousness, Elizabeth Warren is not far left. But she's not the 2020 candidate. The 2020 election may be the defining election of the 21st century as far as American politics is concerned. The Rs are running their own low-IQ Mussolini, hoping that the "common clay" turns out to vote against brown people. We Ds are still looking for our candidate. The midterms don't have to be policy driven. Historically, they've always been a reflection of the popular will vis-a-vis the current administration. Give me a D that jumps out grabs you by the metaphorical balls for 2020. Because that's what is needed. We can argue policy all day long, but we need someone that can resonate. Someone that can cover the various spectrums of the U.S. populace. Warren isn't that person.
  5. I assume you voted for Trump, based solely on your "you people made me do it" defense. The same Trump who is, by way of his entire campaign, an ultra-nationalist. Unless you consider "Make America Great Again" to be an euphemism for the North American continent. The same Trump who has repetitively attacked the media and decried them as an enemy of the people, which matches up nicely with your "ultra-totalitarian" description. Who has the wherewithal for certain aspects of the Constitution in the days of Planned Parenthood, amirite? As for the socialist aspect, you got me. I voted for the Democrat. If that makes me a socialist, than so be it. I doubt you could be bothered to define the differences between liberalism, neo-liberalism, socialism, democratic socialism, communism, etc. while you're being forced against your own will to vote for shitbags that don't represent your own views, but have an (R) in front of their name on the ballot. It's totally not your fault. You probably voted for Gary Johnson. Nevertheless, I'll cop to it. I am Lenin. I am the Walrus.
  6. Goddamn it Ted. Why would you waste such a huge zinger on Twitter when you could have deftly employed it at a 5:30 Early Bird Special Buffet at your next rally at Luby's outisde of Lufkin?
  7. What a fucking disgusting response. You're not a racist? Cool. You still voted for an administration and a movement full of them. Is it your excuse, or in your very thinly-veiled attempt to cast your own views on some "semi-Republican doppelganger", that your own luewarm Trump support is because people call you out for voting for a piece of shit? Here's a pro-tip. If you don't want to be associated with ultra-nationalist ethno-supremacists, than don't fucking vote for them and don't fucking make excuses as to why you voted for them. Just fucking own it.
  8. I wonder if Grassley's NDA contains the same legal loopholes as those of Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal.
  9. All we need is a catchy hook. How well can you play pedal steel?
  10. Here's hoping that there will be a history worth recording when all is said and done. At our current rate, history will be nothing more than the acronym "MAGA" smeared in dried feces on the walls of a public bathroom somewhere outside of Shreveport.
  11. Cutting up my own clothes while I wear them. Take that libtards!
  12. No. We're in agreement. She knows she's lying, but she's doing it because she's a complicit piece of shit and believes that the Trumpian version of America is the way things should be. It's easy hyperbole to call people we disagree with Nazis or fascists or invoke Godwin's Law at the drop of a hat. But this bitch appears to be a modern, American rendition of Goebbels.
  13. This is certainly one possibility. But is everyone thoroughly convinced that she's "just following orders"? She strikes me as the true-believer type.
  14. This is the unfortunate truth of the matter, and I'm not certain which is worse: the sizable portion of the country that actually cheers this scumbag behavior or the sizable portion of the country that can't be bothered to give a fuck that we've become a nation of scumbags.
  15. Better go with a trebuchet. For science and shit.
  16. This is definitely one of my favorite Conway Twitty songs.
  17. Never going to happen. Conservatives lose their fucking minds at the very mention of progressive politics. I can only imagine the hysteria that would ensue if progressives somehow managed to grab hold of substantial political power. And even if we got beyond that hurdle, which probably only occurs in some sort of "reverse-Rapture", the entrenched money in politics isn't going to let some pinko-commie left-wing Maoist spouting socialist try and run them out of the legislation game. Unfortunately, we can't ctrl+alt+delete the dumbfuckery that pervades both the electorate and the elected.
  18. I call with Mick "The Slayer" Mulvaney. All in.
  19. Unless that hurricane was named MS-13, I’m guessing no.
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