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Everything posted by ss13

  1. Don’t think he pulled Cornelia’s this episode, that was after he re-set near them. Like someone said above, they make 2 days seem like 20 minutes in editing.
  2. Glad I wasn’t the only one. Thought it was an even shittier voiceover than usual at first.
  3. Oh shit, TJ just buried Josh. R.I.P.
  4. Strong effort, Josh! Best part is no more confessionals from him.
  5. Yep, she’s bad in a # of ways. The boy shorts & little t-shirt early in the episode was fun too.
  6. CT lost to Jay earlier this season. The chicks are like watching paint dry.
  7. Please don’t fuck this up, Kyle.
  8. Cory, quit being such a goddamn female.
  9. The guys are making this more difficult than necessary.
  10. From her Insta https://www.instagram.com/katiekatro6abc/
  11. 31 down now. https://www.duckbrand.com/stuck-at-prom/vote
  12. Hell, we can do this, only 44 back now. Apparently can’t vote again for 2 hours.
  13. ‘Rona is finally good for something.
  14. Even their Golden Boy knows how fucking stupid this is.
  15. I’m down. He said the old folks can’t do a real Challenge anymore because they take 8 weeks, but C v. S was filmed in only two weeks.
  16. This will fail, as will most of Mule Alley.
  17. Shit, it’s multiple times a season. Saga tried to screw Keith in king crab.
  18. I certainly get it from her side. It’s the dude’s paying $25/month that don’t make sense. At least Kailah from the Challenge gets topless a few times.
  19. $25/month for Derynn's Patreon, no nudity. I just don't get it.
  20. Who knows Bevoette in real life? Appears she quit this site a couple months after it started. Makes sense that Jade left, a girl her age should have better shit to do.
  21. 5 posts in June, all me. Strong. Anyway, Alex Saucedo is up next on ESPN.
  22. The one time we need an aftershow would be tonight to watch Harley’s reaction to Casey’s full pots.
  23. Damn, Bill didn’t kill anyone over the missing block. Yet.
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