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Everything posted by orangeut

  1. Great ending after the game. Classy groups from the AFA and the Horns BB team and fans.
  2. Our bats better warm up quickly. this game is frustrating, offensively
  3. Whew, Lucas just needs to settle in and pitch his stuff
  4. at least they are in the shade
  5. haha Bahl is in and has given up 2 hits in a row.
  6. Jefferson is such a great athlete!!
  7. the more I see these arky fans, the less i want to go into the sec...sec...sec
  8. Hmmm, probably doesn't mean anything because it was during the first week of softball but Washington beat Arky 8-0 and 10-5. I still think the sec..sec..sec is overrated in softball, like in every sport every year. We'll see. But Dolcini pretty well shut down ou, and I am pretty sure ou is better than sewage pig.
  9. If Plain pitches, we will win the 2nd game, I predict
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