We’ll likely get swept this weekend, but some semi-encouraging things happened.
Witt throwing 93-94 with some success is huge. If we can get him back to form by being a 1-A/1-B with LBJ, then we can slot everyone else down a notch in the pitching order.
Also, maybe the homer gets Porter Brown back on track. He’s a proven guy that should be one of our top 3 hitters. Campbell was ice cold last year until after this god-foresaken tournament, so a red-hot Brown the rest of the year would give us 4 very good hitters in a row.
Speaking of homers, maybe JOD’s homer will get him back to being an above-average/serviceable bat in our lineup. I also have hope for Galvan and Belyeu along with the Freshmen Gasparino/Borba/Kennedy all improving throughout the year to make this lineup pretty tough and deep by April/May.
Not ideal to have to “hope” for about 4 things to happen to be a “contender”, but it’s all possible. And of course if it doesn’t come together and we fall flat on our face, then fire Pierce!