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Everything posted by EZ$

  1. I think this lead is Duplantier-safe.
  2. Same offense that TAMUCC shut down with their Tuesday starter.
  3. How many pitches did Whitehead have when pulled??
  4. This feels like the Vanderbilt game. You just know what’s coming….
  5. This dude is an Ace Whitehead clone…except with legitimate D1 stuff.
  6. He’s always staring at the pitcher acting tough. Very aggy of him.
  7. Why wait for the bullpen, our new Saturday stud starter pumps it in there at 84-85. I guess Pierce doesn’t like velocity. No way The University of Texas can’t find about 3-4 HS kids a year that can throw 95+. 75% of the SEC does that. I’d be OK with guys throwing 90-91 if they had any kind of command…which our guys don’t.
  8. That’s a Pierce thing. We are constantly behind in the count at the plate and almost always behind in the count while on the mound. Doesn’t seem like the best of strategies…
  9. What’s the record for weak-ass popups?
  10. ….and you can bet this OT loss will be hanging up in the banners.
  11. Always are….but moral victories only count in the Hall of Champions.
  12. Pierce with the genius pitching move!
  13. None of our runs today came from a hit…
  14. Why is Pierce still trying to make this work? Enough is enough. Has to be some Freshman with upside he can put out there.
  15. Anywhere for highlights of the game?
  16. I’m still not understanding how we have a staff full of guys who can’t hit 90 mph. It’s fine to be a soft-tosser if you have control and can hit your spots, but our 88-89 mph guys don’t have command either! If you are going to have a staff who consistently falls behind the batters, might as well be guys that throw 95+ and have potential. Being a “premier” program, no reason we can’t get a bullpen full of these flamethrowers.
  17. ….by busting their face open with foul balls in their dugout???
  18. Didn’t travel well to Houston either. Guess we are a softball school.
  19. For getting hit with a foul ball?
  20. ….no big deal to have him on the team because of that, but the problem is we are so bad that he actually sees the field (and is more effective with his 85 mph fastball than most of our relievers).
  21. How much of that big NIL money went to keeping Porter Brown and Jack O’Dowd?
  22. Not only do our guys not throw hard, they also don’t have any command. Can’t make this shit up.
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