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Poe It Up

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Everything posted by Poe It Up

  1. We call him Malik, they call him sir.
  2. Trump’ presidency shaped the country for the foreseeable future. Wild.
  3. Ugh, see I wanted to go there but I have to tread very carefully on this topic. But good one.
  4. I’ve never lived there, but I did date a chick with a cocaine problem from there. Man she could party.
  5. Good god, if you’re going to make that tweet at least touch your chest on the way down.
  6. No, that’s too close to the city. I’m up north in the country.
  7. My family is from LA, so I was forced to go there every summer as a kid. God I fucking hated it.
  8. Smack? No thanks. It sucks, don’t know why it upsets you so much.
  9. I’ve never claimed I’m not an idiot. I just know shitty Mexican food when I eat it.
  10. California sucks and what they call Mexican food is even worse.
  11. We need another commit, and soon. We’re falling apart here.
  12. There is zero doubt in my mind that Hunter has dragged his dad into some scheme or two. The difference for me is that I view Joe as a sympathetic figure rather than a coconspirator in this mess. Growing up the son of an addict has given me a unique perspective in that I’m fully aware of an addict’s ability to abuse a loved one’s good nature.
  13. As a Surly right winger, I have to say that this story has always made me yawn. I grew up with quite a few guys that were hired on in higher up roles because of their father and used the large paychecks on drugs and partying. It’s a story as old as time. Next.
  14. Also, Titanic. Anything associated with it gets eyeballs. Thank Leonardo and Kate.
  15. This reminds me, I need to power wash my driveway.
  16. Poe It Up


    I was never that great as a QB unfortunately. Much to my PawPaw’s chagrin.
  17. Poe It Up


    Consistently, no. But once you get them back there the change in their game is dramatic.
  18. Poe It Up


    No, not just your drive. It changes the entire course. They have ladies tees for a reason.
  19. Poe It Up


    Im in my mid 30’s and they really can’t keep up from back there in my experience. They may have a shot after my 6th beer though.
  20. Poe It Up


    Oh my god, I’m so offended!!! What if I was near a bridge at the time???
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