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Poe It Up

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Everything posted by Poe It Up

  1. Of course I am. You have no idea.
  2. You said you don’t have children. So I’m not sure why you’re even pretending you understand.
  3. Wait, the president from 3 years ago? Damn, the talking points are getting very watered down these days.
  4. I dream of 3 years ago. The good ol days.
  5. Fuuuuuck no. Have you been grocery shopping lately for a family of 5? I’m not sure what’s worse, seeing the bill or that finger I got at my last checkup.
  6. He had dementia, but I like you so it’s ok.
  7. So no. I don’t blame you.
  8. Would you give Joe the keys to your car? I sure wouldn’t.
  9. I remember my pawpaw going out to get a carton of milk and then getting a call from a security guard at a neighborhood 25 miles away. He got lost and was scared. I don’t think Joe would pass the milk test if I’m being honest.
  10. That hairline has run outta time.
  11. “Vote like me or you can’t root for my team!” I have kids under 5 so I’m very familiar with this type of stuff.
  12. Well, I’m definitely a redneck. I’m flattered I’m in your book. I have no idea who you are though.
  13. I root for them to lose every game, so it might get a little awkward.
  14. Can I borrow your Texags account login? There’s some great opportunities over there at the moment.
  15. For sure, I always miss my Dad this time of year. I can’t even watch Christmas Vacation because Chevy is his virtual twin. Politics is mostly awful with some good sprinkled in there, but I don’t hate any politicians. Now Christmas shoppers… fuck ‘em.
  16. It makes me so sad for what could’ve been. ‘16-‘19 we’re so fucking great, but everything went to shit in ‘20. The idiot just couldn’t hold it together at the end.
  17. Don’t even think about it Bama, this is our turf.
  18. Stay away from compliments, just show them you like what you see with a big fat goosing.
  19. I had this come up recently when my son and his friends came running up to the front door laughing and out of breath. He said “we just ding dong ditched a house, did you ever do that?” I said yeah, but we called it, um never mind.
  20. Apparently Moore loves Texas so much he doesn’t give a shit about the credits.
  21. Jordan Scruggs put in a CB for Trey Moore to Texas.
  22. I guess this means we’re doing it right.
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