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Poe It Up

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Everything posted by Poe It Up

  1. No. It’s just bizarre behavior and I can’t even imagine how that comes up. “Hey guys, time for the ABC song. Oh, color inside the lines kids, and did I mention homosexuality yet?”
  2. We all have irrational fears, it’s what makes us human. No judgement here.
  3. Clarence may have an appetite for it, but the court isn’t touching that case.
  4. Hey guys, can you not discuss homosexuality with my kindergartner? No! What’s next, burning people at the stake?!
  5. I guess I missed the burning heretics law.
  6. I find that how I treat people depends on how they treat me. Not always, but I try. I don’t walk around telling people they’re sinning, it’s a personal battle between them and God.
  7. I don’t envy their struggle, but their issue isn’t with me.
  8. We’re all sinners, so I would treat them the same as everyone else. I’m not going to approve of their sin just as I wouldn’t my own. Their issue is with God, not me.
  9. They already have that. What they’re seeking is approval.
  10. It’s not a bigger deal. But they’re not force feeding us adultery and telling us we have to like it.
  11. I have to say that I’ve never had someone mention grooming to me, that seems like a conversation stopper. I don’t hate these people at all. They’ll have to answer for their sins in the end, but that’s no different than myself.
  12. His point was that he wouldn’t be a member of a church that encourages adultery either. I don’t understand how y’all can’t grasp this concept of hate the sin and not the sinner.
  13. I don’t remember doing that, but you’re welcome.
  14. Yeah, that’s a lot and hasn’t been my experience.
  15. I can’t speak to other minority groups, my comment was specifically referencing Homosexuals. It’s possible that living in LA has skewed their perception on the size of the community, though.
  16. I said I was confused by it, which is certainly true.
  17. There’s not a whole lot to get worked up about or hate. It’s a market over correction that will subside in a few years or so.
  18. I don’t think so, just stating that they’re over represented.
  19. I don’t feel particularly aggrieved, just noting the ratio is out of whack.
  20. I disagree, I think the market is oversaturated. Especially for such a small percentage of the population.
  21. The amount of representation is definitely confusing.
  22. Not happening, Sark is the best first half coach in the business.
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