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Poe It Up

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Everything posted by Poe It Up

  1. I always wondered why she came off as so unhappy, now it makes sense.
  2. Personally, I loved masks. There were no stop and chats at the grocery store.
  3. It wasn’t just one side, the CDC’s mea culpa admits to as much. Closing schools and masking little kids was plain silly, especially for those of us with toddlers. I can’t tell you how many times I witnessed little kids trying to rearrange those snot rags, all the while rubbing their face with dirty hands. All we could do was laugh.
  4. I actually think Covid being handled so poorly played a huge role as well.
  5. Holy shit, technology has actually made refs worse. It’s unbelievable
  6. This looks like last year. Card is who he is unfortunately.
  7. There’s some truth to that, but some of it also comes down to bad luck. Parnell’s scandal opened the door for OZ and Walker’s a legitimate sports hero to many despite his mental handicap. To your point, though, one theme I have noticed more than any other in discussions with Republicans is the amount of distrust, it’s at an all time high.
  8. The average height of presidents is what I meant. The American average is shorter, there’s a lot of short guys out there it seems.
  9. What a squandered opportunity for the Republicans here. They are running some really, really awful candidates and they’ll pay the price.
  10. James Madison was 5’4”. Looks like the average height is about 5’11”, doesn’t seem all that tall really. Of course, I know that all of us that spend so much time on Surly are over 6’ and look like Fabio, so we can be judgmental.
  11. This last stint in Surly jail has reformed me. I’m currently out on good behavior, so it’s going to have to be gifs until my probation is over.
  12. I have absolutely no idea who you are or why you chose that dorky avatar, but it doesn’t matter. I’m out of Surly jail and it feels so good.
  13. Also, dude, what haven’t I answered? I was referencing buzzsaw acknowledging that if even exists, that post wasn’t about you. I agree that you’re trying to find common ground.
  14. It’s not really that man, I’m just a bit burned out. I’m having discussions with multiple people and I feel as if the convo has become tautological. Huh? I said there are less, which is true.
  15. I placed 3rd in the spelling bee in 2nd grade, so I know I’m very smart. But still, I overstepped the line there. I felt a little ganged up on there and swung wildly. Apologies.
  16. I won, of course. I always do, it’s my curse.
  17. Fuck that, my child’s coming home with me.
  18. I got him to acknowledge it’s real, that’s a victory in this place.
  19. Why are you not at your child’s school right now? Seriously dude, log off and go help her.
  20. I’ve already stated that you stop lowering bail and people on multiple charges shouldn’t be bonded. There’s no magic bullet, but you simply can’t keep lowering the bar.
  21. No, but it might be smart to make it harder for a guy that is in jail for armed robbery to make bail. But they’re making it easier.
  22. Yeah, I actually think you are here.
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