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Poe It Up

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Everything posted by Poe It Up

  1. It’s getting increasingly difficult to find a thread that captain’s gaping vagina hasn’t bled all over.
  2. Hugo! I was worried the Ukrainians got to you my man.
  3. Breakfast tacos are about as Mexican as fajitas. White people are weird.
  4. I recognize that although she’s a piece of shit, she’s our piece of shit.
  5. I’m admittedly having a little fun watching her eat this helping of humble pie. She’s been arrested for domestic violence and tried to skip out on paying child support, she’s just not a good person.
  6. A cold Russian prison can do that. She’ll be humming Lee Greenwood the entire flight home.
  7. Or I’m just pointing out the inherent irony of pleading for help from the government you’re protesting.
  8. Those have to be some awkward conversations. “Hi guys, it’s me Britney. Yeah, the one that wants to ban the national anthem and kneels at games. Anyway…. can you guys help me out here?”
  9. It’s the only show that had Burr, Patrice, and Norton all on riffing at the same time, pretty great stuff. Although they make fun of gay people a lot, so it’s not for everybody.
  10. I listen to old Opie and Anthony episodes on YouTube and the Beginning the proud boys is fascinating to look back on. Gavin would rag on this intern about not getting laid and somehow found this musical that mentioned proud of your boy and would sing it to him. The whole thing was a bit.
  11. You’re not wrong. I just think it’ll be easier to say no to Jimbo than the Mannings.
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