I'm as sick over this as anyone else in this thread. But I'm also feeling selfish-mean and downright ornery. So my attitude is FUCK the stupid masses who don't know what is coming down the road. This would include the non-college educated voters, the roofers, plumbers, construction apes, etc; also the arab-americans in Michigan who sat out the vote and their protesting allies in universities...in case you haven't figured it out, the Palestinians are totally fucked. They have always been history's biggest losers and they are about to lose whatever little they had left. The Orange Asshole already said that Gaza would make terrific beachfront property and he'd build a new hotel and golf course there, so maybe the arab-americans in Michigan and the protesters can help the Gaza palestinians relocate to....where?
Also, today my stock portfolio is doing remarkably well with the Dow jumping 1300 points; time to do some profit taking and plan that next vacation in Zermatt (or maybe I'll go to Lake Como...so many choices) and it might be time to buy that BMW 7-series that I've been pondering, because you know what...I'm a fucking well educated, well travelled person with a fantastic job (that I work quite hard at) and expansive politics, unlike the rest of the MAGGOTS. For the rest of the illiterate masses who voted for DFT...fuck the lot of you; you will likely get a little bitty tax break but that will be wiped out by the rises in prIces when he imposses tariffs. I can afford these price hikes, I won't be needing an abortion, and if RFK bans vaccines, I can pay to get my shots.
I'm super bitter because this country has treated my family and I very well, and I truly love it; today I weep for it.
Now I'm going to continue drinking.