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Everything posted by shadetree

  1. Who else punted last year? Dicko’s average and the plaque’s average don’t match up. Somebody brought down the team’s numbers.
  2. Looks like the guy that owns Eskimo Hut.
  3. Big thanks for this. Some I had forgotten about. Will have to pick them up again
  4. Punisher was entertaining. Iron Fist was shit. Couldn’t watch defenders with him in it.
  5. Duffy made a poor choice of schools. At Baylor “nonconsentual intercourse” is known as “Tuesday.”
  6. Very pleased with CDC. Unfortunately, I think there needs to be some housekeeping in several sports if we want to light the tower more often.
  7. How did that dipshit stay employed as an NFL head coach so long. I hope others come out and continue to dump on him. Losingest (is that a word) coach of all time. Vince had his issues, but he could not have been drafted into a worse situation.
  8. Fuck Chip. Hopefully 24/7 took a big hit for his assholeness. Fuck Kurt for good measure. That guy's a cunt, too.
  9. Flip this upside down and Armybrat approves.
  10. Mobile is working. But need tapa and longer pages.
  11. tapa and forum permissions, please
  12. Now for the important stuff- where are the tits?
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