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Everything posted by quigley

  1. I going to try to see what, if anything, distinguishes internal and public polling when I have the chance. I will report back.
  2. Once Trump goes down, I'll take you and your boricua hussy...but FOCUS, kill the orange menace first!!!
  3. It's not his fault, but it'll fuck up his model Plus he's an asshole who's working for an asshole who's got a significant skate stake in GOP win, so fuck him
  4. You could watch OU-Texas highlights. I recommend the vintages 1986, 87, 96, 2000, 01, 03, 11, 12, 20, 21, or 23.
  5. Trolls gonna troll. I'm NOT taking it "with a grain of salt" because it's total bullshit. @WBT I and others here have trashed Nate Silver here for weeks. Long story short: he don't know shit about fuck because he's putting BAD DATA into his models. Plus he works for Peter Thiel now. If you know this and are still quoting him, sorry. Even if he's right (and I don't think he is), it's luck not skill this time.
  6. I know. Most of the people I still talk to are in the sticks. But even they want to a have school 5 days a weeks (eg, Konowa) so they can work and not have to worry about day care. And the leeching clinic in Holdenville is top notch.
  7. Sounds like KS, and even some people in Oklahoma are angry about the attack on public education.
  8. adds up that NV will be close; hopefully the porn industry workforce finishes strong Yeah, everything's a re-hash. I only read that last 2 pages And yeah, I can vouch for DC being more prepared. You don't want to instigate things because then the fucks have a cause.
  9. It's bad that I'm so excited about posting pic of my receipt here.
  10. Why you yelling at me boss! I'm going. I'm already planned that I'm lying to wife (bc I make dinner MWTh) about not having food and bring home this shit. It's going to take me an extra half hour and risk of disembowelment. Point your fire at @'stache
  11. What bout your enthusiasm for explosive diarrhea? I KNOW there's a Chilis close enough to you. I haven't been in decade but am willing to make the ultimate a significant sacrifice. Join me in the shared pain of victory!
  12. We're counting our Chili's chickens too early. You were right in saying wait until tomorrow (or more likely Wednesday) and play through the whistle.
  13. @Al_4_ISU is right. If the fucks want to die, a few will. Quickly. There will not be mass turmoil this time. This is what the FAFO emoji is for.
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