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Francisco 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Francisco 2.0 last won the day on February 1

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33638 Surly 1%

About Francisco 2.0

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  1. My wife just texted me; her agency email is getting examined. No big deal; she's used to it. She doesn't use government hardware to look at social media, shopping, whatnot. She has never even used her office wifi for her personal devices. She has never had her work email on personal devices. However, the word "culture" that she has used in the past in her work email may or may not be grounds for her dismissal.
  2. And pay for it as well. You think that sovereign fund was for just Tik Tok?
  3. Goddamn. I love this and will be stealing it. I may or may not take credit for creating it.
  4. How do you fund a wealth fund if you are $36 trillion in debt?
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