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Francisco 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Francisco 2.0 last won the day on May 6 2024

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  1. This is the Vegas truck bomber. Something isn't adding quite up. Aside; do we need a Vegas truck bomber thread?
  2. New Orleans truck was rented from Turo. Las Vegas-Trump Tower cybertruck was rented from Turo. Thinking these two incidents may be related.
  3. No, most of us here are. Because (as far as I know) no one that posts here came up with this idea. Or were willing enough to set aside ethics and morals and whatnot and actually do it.
  4. You damned well know that within a month, he will be in the Oval, doing that cheesy fucking smile while holding up Trump branded bulbs for sale. And they will be double the price of LED bulbs, using technology invented in America! And they will sell. Shit, why didn't I think of this. Freedom bulbs. The grift opportunities abound!
  5. This seems fitting: https://thebuckeyeflame.com/2024/12/19/parents-bill-of-rights-clears-ohio-legislature/
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