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Francisco 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Francisco 2.0

  1. We're olds. We aren't supposed to know, other than "brat" means good. FYI, I had to ask my 10 year old daughter. She gave me her definition of it and told me I was an old because I didn't know.
  2. Do you think Trump gave a second thought to all those cabinet members he fired years ago? Cabinet members that he chose? Shit, he doubles down and calls them losers or whatever. His followers don't care. As for chaos within the GOP, they have lived with it since 2015, and the GOP is now a wholly-owned subsidary of Trump Organization at this point. It's whatever Donnie wants, fuck polling, feelings, whatever. And if Don feels that JD is too much of a liability, he would pull the ripcord as late as September. It's not going to cost him any votes; he didn't gain votes from naming JD, nor would he lose any if he were replaced. It's Trump 24/7. The VP is just for show. Trump could call JD up this afternoon and tell him to resign for health reasons, or some other made up thing. It doesn't make a shit to Trump. And JD will gladly do it, with tears in his eyes, because MAGA.
  3. Come on. This is the Trump GOP. He will never, ever go against that. He owes his political career to Trump, for if it wasn't for the endorsement in 22, he doesn't win that seat. If he is forced out, he will be loyal until the death of Trump at the earliest.
  4. RE: Trump trying to counter with a female VP. This year, it just isn't going to work. Any female associated with Trump is a female associated with the Supremes, removing abortion access, everything. They are saddled with that no matter what they say. The only positive a female brings Trump in 2024 is the fact they probably haven't known any couches or other furniture biblically.
  5. Get the memeologists working on the dog stuff, stat.
  6. “For four years Donald Trump was the laziest and stupidest president in history by far and now he is the laziest and stupidest presidential candidate in history. He is the only candidate for president today who did absolutely nothing today. There is no evidence Donald Trump got out of bed today…” - Lawrence O’Donnell
  7. Someone is big mad this evening:
  8. Thanks all! Suggestions have been passed on. Well, except the Onlyfans stuff.
  9. Trump did yesterday: https://www.mediaite.com/tv/trump-claims-kamala-harris-is-totally-against-the-jewish-people-which-may-come-as-news-to-her-husband/
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