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Darth Tron

Certifiably Surly
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  1. Kentucky Tailgate. What time start? Pay money now? Pay money there? Muledick.
  2. They're waiting to see how things shake out. Then they will arrange things so that we get to play an easy slate. ~Some Aggie, probably.
  3. I'll be at the game. Bringing my son and my old man. It's the boy's first real football game. I expect a bloodbath. Also, can I pay at the tailgate or do I need to buy ahead of time? Is the password still Muledick?
  4. They gotta stop referring to SCAR as USC. I actually had to google โ€œwhen did A&M play USCโ€ and then feel stupid when the result popped up.
  5. I have tickets to the Kentucky game, will be attending with my old man and son. Probably going to try to tailgate a bit before heading into the game. Where do people park nowadays? They bulldozed my preferred garage, and the pizza joint I used to park at died from COVID.
  6. Of course, in order to contribute to it directly, one would have to live in 1 of 7 states. That's the beauty of our system as currently constructed. We get to watch millions of other assholes from other states determine our reality. Because our say doesn't matter based on where we live.
  7. I consider myself somewhat in the minority in that I don't think it matters who is nominated by either party at this point. Since the Trump revolution, the Republican Party has pretty much crystalized its beliefs and messaging, to the point where at this point it looks like a polished machine. They dogwhistle, scream about transgenders and minorities, and rely on the Democratic party having no spine and no cogent message to shoot them down down. This is playing out at every level across the country in more places than a sane person would like to admit. From the top down, the Republican Party has been cleaning the clocks of the Democrats for over 30 years. Now that the Supreme Court is loaded and Congressional districts are gerrymandered beyond comprehension, settle in for more of the same. Kamala getting her ass kicked tonight is the symptom, not the disease.
  8. When your QB has the yips because of constant protection busts and errors, playing the freshman RB who probably struggles with pass protection will make it worse. At least I hope that's the reason rather than a Mack "freshmen lose games" mentality.
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